domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

No Muse on Eclipse? That's a tragedy!

Según RTTnews, han dejado a Muse fuera del soundtrack de Eclipse. Después de que se confirmara que iban a formar parte del él (aquí) y de que ya hubieran escrito una untitled love song. Por si fuera poco, parece que los responsables de toda esta catástrofe no tienen nada que ver con lo creativo, sino con el vil metal (lo cual, no me explico).
De esta me como a los de Suckmit, de verdad.

One of Muse's songs will no longer be featured on the soundtrack for the upcoming Twilight film, Eclipse.

The British band, who provided tracks for the first two films in the popular teen vampire series, is not pleased about having the song - which they had already written - left out.

"It's the people in the movie business, completely outside of the writers and the creative types, the non-creative types I suppose are the people who are quite hard to deal with in Hollywood, so it didn't work out," drummer
Dominic Howard said, according to reports.

The trio noted that they were not angry with
Twilight series author Stephenie Meyer over the change and insist that they will still release the untitled love song.

Yeah, we sure will [release it]," Howard added. "I mean, it was great. We worked on it in Australia, we were ready to record, we were going to do some recording with
Butch Vig, so we might still do it. I'm sure the song will definitely come to life for real at some point, but I think for this film it's not going to happen.

Gracias Twilightish

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