domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

New Rob interview with MicroGids - can you picture him using Skype?

En general las re-traducciones al inglés no me convencen porque no termina de sonarme a Rob pero la parte en que habla de utilizar la rabia acumulada con todos los asaltos paparazzi en sus personajes, como el de Duroy, está muy bien. Y llamadme pervertida, pero estáis pensando lo mismo que yo cuando habla de Skype? (a lo mejor es lo que dice el periodista de que aparta la mirada como no queriendo decir más, a lo mejor es la bombilla que se enciende en mi cabeza cuando pienso en video-llamada...)

Entera en RPLife (gracias!)

Pat tin sons movie-character Tyler is any thing but dull. He is very rebel lious, and con stantly clashes with his highly for mal father, played by Pierce Bros nan. “But with that rebel lious atti tude he also shuts out his own feel ings,” the actor explains. “Remem ber me is actu ally about the break ing down of that armor.”

We are talk ing about a very per sonal film, Pat tin son stresses. “Before we started film ing, I had many months of close con­tact with the direc tor and screen writer. Origi nally, I really intended to act like myself com pletely. I didn’t do it even tu ally, even though there are still parts of me in Tyler. When I was younger, I found it intru ig ing to play with emo tions. I pre tended the whole time. Only the last two years I started to think: Hey, I’m really sad or really happy. So Tyler’s devel op ment I know from per sonal expe ri ence. Or, in other words: his armor was a bit like mine. ”

Although he may no longer play hide and seek with itself, there are still some doors that closed on Pat tin son. “Fame is quite a bur den. For one, the fact that I can hardly observe peo ple peace fully any more, while for a true actor this is incred i bly impor tant. Instead I get stared at him self. I’ve expereienced walk ing down the street, and sud denly I ended up walk ing into a kind of trap with forty pho tog ra phers. It makes you pretty weary. Not that I want every thing as it was before. Though some times I long for that. ”

And all this atten tion from women?
“Ehmmm” Pat tin son begins hes i tantly, as he fid dles furi ously with the cap of his Coke bot tle. “To be hon est: I think it’s very fright en ing. When peo ple impose them selves, that’s even down right repul sive. It sounds ridicu lous to com plain now, but it both ers me. It is all so unre al is tic. I never used to get much atten tion. I have to watch myself that I don’t get too sus pi cious. If any one approaches me, I already have a ten dency to say ‘what do you want from me? ” while that per son may not want any thing and just wants to be nice. ”

While he used to be a very good boy, now the actor has the urge to be rebel lious.
“In that respect I feel very sim i lar to Tyler.” He chuck les. “I recently started trash ing hotel rooms and stuff. Well, not really. But I do use my aggres sion in my parts. In Tyler of course, and now in Georges Duroy, my char ac ter in Bel Ami. That guy hates the world so much that he con stantly bursts out into anger. I can really indulge myself now in that part, though I now know that anger is pretty tir ing. After one days on the set I’m exhausted. ”

Act ing is a fun out let, Pat tin son agrees, but above all it is a pro fes sion where he would like to grow.
“That’s a big part of why I don’t want to be the roman tic hero. The more vari ety in parts I play, the more I learn. Allthough I real ize that I’m taking a big risk by doing that. The pres sure is high any way when you’re famous. Espe cially when you’ve become famous as eas ily as I have, because what did I do anyway to accom plish that? I’m con vinced I’ll have to work hard for at least ten years to really earn the sta tus I’ve seemed to have acquired so eas ily. ” In Remem ber Me, love is the big eye-opener. Pat­tin son rather won’t answer if he rec og nizes that. His life in hotels, which he’s been forced to live in the last three years, doesn’t seem very roman tic anyway.

“Tremen dously bor ing”, he sighs.
“Late last year I almost bought a house in the United States because I no longer stand it, but luck ily I dis cov ered in time how crazy expen sive it is. I don’t even know if I still have a job here in the com ing years. So for now I get my com fort from playin my gui tar, which always trav els with me. I used to not need any thing else. Until I returned to Lon don and dis cov ered that your social life com pletely col lapses if you don’t stay in con tact with peo ple for one year.” And now? “Skype is an ideal way of com mu ni ca tion,” Pat tin son says, his eyes wan der again. He wants to com mu ni­cate, but not too much.

Y en los últimos 2 años le parece que sus emociones son más auténticas, hmmm...

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