domingo, 28 de marzo de 2010

May or may not be quite difficult to be Hugh Grant but he's not fit to lick your boots, hun

Tenemos un pequeño adelanto de una entrevista de Rob con GMTV, que se emitirá completa mañana entre las 7 y las 8.35 (hora de UK, 1 más para nosotros con cambio de hora y todo). Es la que concedió el día de la premiere en Londres de RM.

(so much porn that night...*sigh*)
Robert Pattinson has revealed that he would love to star in a romantic comedy.

The Twilight star fancies hiding away his vampire fangs for something more light-hearted, but claimed he hasn't found anything perfect.

"I'd love to, but they are always just so rubbish - I mean like, I'd absolutely love to do it, but I've literally never read a good rom-com script," he told GMTV in an interview airing on March 29.

Robert, who stars in Remember Me with Pierce Brosnan and Emilie de Ravin, reckoned there's too much competition to be a romantic comedy king like Hugh Grant.

"I think it's such a typical career choice for me, as well, to be honest," he continued.

"If you do a big franchise thing - especially for English guys - you try and do a Hugh Grant part or something. Which I don't think would be the best idea for me... mainly because it's quite difficult to be Hugh Grant!"

No sé si dice en serio lo de hacer una comedia romántica pero me creo completamente lo de que los guiones que le llegan del género son un poco basura. Y lo de Hugh Grant, no me extraña que le resulte difícil ser Hugh Grant...le da tantas vueltas ;) (I feel it in my finger, I feel it in my toe perdonadme este momento tontorrón...)

2 comentarios:

  1. Lo siento pero no lo veo en una comedia romántica como tal... lo puedo ver como en RM, osea romance pero en plan dramón de por medio.

    Y gracias a Dios que no se parece a Hugh Grant, actor que no me gusta nada de nada.

  2. Que levante la mano quien piense igual que Is y yo!!!!


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