miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009

Robert's safety

De nuevo Ted demuestra tener más razón que un santo...y muy pocos pelos en la lengua. Aquí tenéis su última entrada recién salida del horno.

Live Bird's-Eye Report on R.Pattz' Safety!

Robert PattinsonDHJ/WENN

Robert Pattinson is definitely a multi-tasker. Dude can play both parts actor and heartthrob simultaneously without even trying! R.Pattz is filming non-Twi flick Remember Me in New York, and we've got the on-scene action happening right this very second!

And from what we can tell from our bird's eye source, who's working in the very building Rob's filming in front of, looks like the studio has wised up and has beefed up security for our dear RP's safety, thank heavens:

PattzWatcher: I can see it from my window, right outside the AIG building

PattzWatcher: He's flocked by paparazzi

PattzWatcher: Lots of hysterical girls

PattzWatcher: Paparazzi are being good

PattzWatcher: The girls are a pain in the ass

PattzWatcher: Won't stop screeching

PattzWatcher: They erupted in world-ending shrieks when he left his trailer

PattzWatcher: The crowd is growing, standing around the trailer in a semi-circle

PattzWatcher: Bodyguards are trying to back them away

PattzWatcher: At least three bodyguards just standing there while girls jump up and down. screamingHis bodyguards are hotter than him

Well, we can't agree with that last part one bit! We just think our source is pissed he has to work while tons of fangirls see the vamp of their dreams in the flesh.

Ain't it slightly disturbing to see that the biggest threat against Rob's wellbeing isn't the press, but his fans? We know ya love the man, guys, but give him an eensy bit of space next time, wouldya?

Puede que si eres una fan histérica y gritona, ser definida como pain in the ass resulte un poco ofensivo, no lo sé (opino igual que Ted), pero mirad hasta qué punto pueden llegar a afectar a una persona normal estar rodeado de gente alienada:

Nuestro encantador y antes sonriente Rob saliendo de su camioneta/camerino hoy. La foto, de robertandkristen.

Ver imagen en tamaño completo

Some space please!

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