miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009

Ted's new bitch-back

Nuestro Ted vuelve a la carga con una nueva edición del Bitch-Back. No aporta ninguna novedad pero siempre da que pensar lo distintas que se pueden ver las cosas al leer los comentarios que le escriben algunos lectores. Yo casi siempre coincido con Mr Casablanca.
Os pongo lo que me ha parecido más interesante (como simpre, lo tenéis todo pinchando el link)

Dear Ted:
Why are you so mean to Nikki Reed? I know that people love Robsten but why throw Nikki under the bus? Nikki is not a fame whore. She's done nothing to deserve that title. Robsten idiots unfairly gave that to her. You know that fans didn't like her since she was announced as Rosalie. They didn't give her a chance. That's where the hate came from. So why stimulate undeserved hate with insinuating things without any facts? The fact that Nikki values Kristen's friendship over Rob says it all. You think if the N & R fling didn't happen Kristen would have dumped Michael? Why don't you apologize to Nikki? If Nikki kills herself over this, I blame you and won't stop until you're fired!
My Ballet

Dear Ouch!:
Wow. All I can say is… Nikki, is that you? Of course, it's not. But, whoever it is, look, if anybody offs themselves (even emotionally) over a gossip blogger's comments, you're in the wrong business, clearly.

Dear Ted:
I just wanted to thank you for reporting on the Stewart-Pattinson (may as well hyphenate the names á la marriage style) liaison. There is something so Romeo and Juliet about the two of them. Oh, and by the way, fair prince, you're looking pretty darned dashing yourself. You're way too gorgeous in that rose shirt you had on during a recent broadcast. Yummmy.

Dear Dramatic:
Thanks, doll, I'm blushing to match my wardrobe! And let's
pray Robsten turns out better than Romeo and Juliet did.

Dear Ted:
Middle aged Twi-mom who can't get enough of your pithy commentary. But, whoa! Are you hinting that Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart are friends with definite benefits?! Not that there is anything wrong with that... I just enjoy the whole Robsten phenom. How is the new addition to your household?

Dear BFFs:
They're very close again, despite the rocky period. What kind of benefits you talkin', naughty mama? AndCharlie Casablanca's too terrific, chewing everything in sight, half my shoe collection's sorry to say.

Dear Ted:
Tell all the Robsten fans to lighten up. You're a gossip columnist and this is all supposed to be fun. All the uproar over Nikki Reed is insane. So she has a new beau. Great for her and great for you for sharing. Isn't that what gossip is all about? Keep up the good work. P.S. What do you think about the
People magazine cover with RP & KS? Why does everyone try to steal your thunder?

Dear Unfashionably Late:
Because our thunder is always first, babe.

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