domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

Robward is not a main character in New Moon?

Coincido plenamente con lo que dice robssesed en esta entrada (a raíz de lo publicado po ayer y que tenéis en una entrada anterior):

According to Robert Pattinson will not participate in any backstage interviews at Comic Con because "Edward Cullen isn't the main character in the movie".

*clears throat*

Well I beg to differ! I don't think I read a single page of New Moon where I didn't think of Edward and wonder where the hell he was. Even though Stephenie (the holy) claims it was obvious the hallucinations were just hallucinations the first time I read it I was sure Edward was watching over Bella.

Edward is on every page of that book. Even the empty pages with the months. Every painful breath Bella takes you think about Edward. So don't give me the crap that Rob won't do backstage because "
Edward Cullen isn't the main character in the movie".
We want more Robward and less Taycob...

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