martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

Robert Pattinson Quotes about Tabloids, Kristen...

Es de la revista Seventeen pero lo ha publicado Robsessed y no son refritos antíguos, así que lo ponemos. Últimamente, está volviendo el bombardeo "son sólo amigos" (qué jartura, yo que creía superada esa fase!), todo refritos de entrevistas antíguas cuando Robert decía que estaba soltero o no podía conseguir una cita (¡!). Sólo me ha mosqueado ésta de Kristen, supuestamente nueva, en Life&Style. **Update: robsessed ha hablado con el autor de la entrevista que sólo dice que "la mayoría de las citas son de entrevistas recientes."

Remembering His Lines

"Whenever I do a job I'm really kind of learning how to act from scratch again, [especially] when I haven't done it for a year. I've kind of forgotten how to do it!"

Taking the Backseat in New Moon

"It's just so nice being in a supporting role. There was so much pressure on Taylor for this one, and it's like, he didn't have a single bad day the entire shoot. I just stroll onto set, I'm like, 'Oh, I've got one line!'"

His Take on Edward
"I kind of just tried to make him a little bit more aware of the irony of the situation…a 109-year-old who's in love with a 17-year-old who he's pretending to go to school with."

Tabloid Marriage & The Kristen Pregnancy Rumors

"Literally, that would be terrifying if I suddenly — well, actually, it wouldn't be terrifying, it would be quite satisfying, actually, to be able to get someone pregnant from across the country. With a text message!" (
Gozde: Rob is obviously not aware that he can actually get a woman pregnant with a stare ;))

Why He's Disgusted with Himself
"Because sometimes I look at myself in the mirror [Laughs] — I think anyone would be." (
Gozde: Yeah, sure. I can see that...not...)

And the Signature Hair Secret Is...
"I just use water. No one ever believes me, but it's true."

Getting Deep with Kristen
"Kristen's a really great actress. I really like working with her, and she's very intense about things, and she'll go just as far as anyone else will want to go with it. If you want to go as deep as possible, into any form of material, she's more than willing to go there."
Gozde: the...gutter... :))

Under the Microscope
"It's funny what you really see when you're the subject of the completely bizarre gossip magazine industry. It's just like, 'WHAT?!?' All this stuff with Emilie [de Ravin, his costar in Remember Me] as well. The tabloids say stuff like 'They went on a date to an Indian restaurant.' We were doing a scene! There's a film crew there!"

Doing Interviews
"I don't find myself that interesting as a human being, so I don't really think that much of what I say or do warrants being recorded."
(Gozde: Rob here is a grip, get it :) We love everyword you say)

Where He's Going Next…
"I might go to some tiny little town in Idaho with, like, three people living there." (
Gozde: Believe me those 3 people will know you. You should follow my suggestion HERE. Remote island :))

Why He Shaved His Head

"I'd just done with the GQ shoot, and I got it cut after that, on the shoot, and I just thought, Well, I've just done a GQ cover, I might as well get my hair cut."

Os pongo los comentarios de robsessed porque son muy buenas, como siempre. En su entrada, además incluye las impresiones sobre Rob de Nikki Reed, Ashley Green y Kellan Lutz (NR, a lo mejor soy yo, pero suena a pique)

**Curioso cómo niega lo de Emilie (ooooobvio) y en otros medios ha negado lo de Camilla y otra supuesta novia y, en cambio, en cuanto a Kristen...

1 comentario:

  1. Opsa, Kristen lo ha dicho en varias ocasiones...Rob no sabe mentir, por eso no niega del todo su relación con Kristen aunque tampoco lo hacen público, lo quieren mantener para ellos.

    ¿Te acuerdas en una entrevista donde el presentador le preguntaba por la portada de Harper's Bazar? (No recuerdo como se llama el programa) Pues lo mismo, él empezó a marear la perdiz, y decir que evita contestar a esas preguntas y tal pero lo decía con la boca pequeña y mirando para abajo, jajajajaa, y el presentador le contesta: Bite me!! Como diciendo, no me tomes el pelo que se te ve el plumero...


Man's Evolution