jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

About Robward's Hair

Lo sé. Me he estado pensando si poner esto o no, mi frikómetro fan está al rojo vivo últimamente...Pero sólo por el collage de fotos ya merece la pena. Y si además alguien tiene curiosidad por el sistema de mechas y brillos empleados para dar vida al mítico pelo de Edward...Lo sé, es friki para Twilight y friki para Robert...hay que tomárselo en plan "Cómo se hizo" ;)

Esto es lo que el peluquero tiene que decir:

They didn't want [Robert] to look dead-dead. Just a little bit dead," said Gavert on the day I visited his salon for my own Twilights session.

The lead hair stylist on the first movie,
Mary Ann Valdes, told Gavert the vampire make-up was washing Pattinson out, in a bad way. Not in a sexy-vampire, Edward Cullen way.

"Mary Ann called me and asked me what I thought," said Gavert. "I said, ‘Put some warmth in his hair. Don't make him a redhead or anything. But the warmth will reflect on his skin.’"

Warmth meant bronze highlights. But that created a new problem. Highlights grow out too fast and affect the continuity on a movie shoot. In other words, the filmmakers may shoot the entrance to a scene one week and shoot the rest of the scene a month later. Hair starts looking grown out at that point and people start realizing they're watching a movie and not hanging out with Edward Cullen.
For the record, Pattinson got two colors. Gavert put four or five gold highlights up front, to bring out the would-be vamp’s amber contacts. I got one color. I already had some gold leftover from my old hair days, so Gavert picked a single mid-tone that worked well with my natural head and gold leftovers.

Más en robsessed y Huffington Post (que es donde se publica el artículo de investigación)

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