lunes, 3 de agosto de 2009

Are you a Twilightaholic?

Mirad esta entrada de The Danger Magnet...cumplo 2/10. Yo creo que soy superadicta pero sus criterios son demasiado teen para mí ;)

1. You don’t just Google… you Twilight Google.

Hello, my name is Edward Google.

Hello, my name is Edward Google.


2. You emblazon your body with Twilight tattoos.

I like the quote, don't get me wrong, but as for putting it on my body... Yeah.

I like the quote, don't get me wrong, but as for putting it on my body... Yeah.


3. You will buy anything that bears the words “Twilight” on it or is even remotely stamped with one of the cast member’s faces. Even if it means depleting your (or your parents’) checking account.


Is it wrong that I actually want that lunchbox?


4. You visit several Twilight sites a day, freaking out if you so much as miss one update.


!5. You own a Twilight site.

Guilty as charged, much?

Guilty as charged, much?


6. You put Twilight-themed decals on your car.

Because everyone on the street should know youre a fan.

Because everyone on the street should know you're a fan.


7. You create SIMS styled after the characters in the Twilight Saga.

These are just ... creepy.

These are just ... creepy.


8. You read Twilight fanfiction and may have even tried your hand at writing one (or ten).

Because a world without Renesmee is a happier world.

Because a world without Renesmee is a happier world.


9. You camp out wherever and whenever the Twilight stars may be present.

Who needs sleep (or a comfortable bed) when you've got Twilight?


10. You name your pets and/or babies after characters in the series.

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