viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

A lil' sum up for our discerning people

Os estoy haciendo la pelota, sí, pero es porque lo valéis ;)

*Empezamos con esta maravilla de scans en HQ de la revista alemana One. La entrevista es repe (cómo si fuéramos a apartar la mirada de esas fotos!). Click and drool

**Entrevista con Jet Set (France). Pongo la parte nueva, porque el resto es sospechosamente calcado a esta entrevista con el Philippine Daily Inquirer. Hablando de fútbol, de su motivación para hacer películas, Bel Ami y la música.

R.M. : Since you’re English, you must have followed the FIFA world cup . Why do you think this event is so important in the world?
R.P. : The english team is always a good one , we always have the best players and no one is supposed to play better than us , but everytime , it’s not enough to win
I don’t know why football is so important and why it gathers so many people. Maybe because it’s easy to understand this sport . The more a sport attracts people ; the more popular it’ll be , that’s why I never understood why football isn’t so popular in the USA . It’s incredible to see such a huge and rich country unable to have a good football team . I must say they improve and thay have a great football team now.

R.M. : You’re only 24 and you’re on the spotlights , is it difficult not to make mistakes?
R.P. : Yes , it’s always frustrating and people always expect me to do some mistakes to pounce on me. But I like being imperfect. We can’t always look perfect and sell such an image. It’s impossible. Anyway, I never tried to do so , it’d be dangerous . And I’ve always made a million mistakes (laughs…)

R.M. : and if you did a film which happens to be a failure ?
R.P. : as long as I’m making a film for good reasons , and not money ,it’ll be OK . If I decide to do a film just for money , there’ll be problems. Nothing can be good if you do it for money or for fame . If we choose to do a film because we think it’s a good story, then even if it’s a failure, I don’t mind. I’ve never been attracted by money or fame . My desires are quite limited, so I guess it’ll be OK!

R.M. : Your upcoming film is Bel Ami , an adaption of Maupassant’s novel . You also played Salvador Dali and then you did Twilight.These aren’t classical choices
R.P. : I never thought about what I wanted to do . And when you’re not famous , we can do independent films , more artistic films . And you have to be lucky to do it ! Then when I did Twilight, I didn’t expect that success . First because it was directed by Catherine Hardwicke who comes from the independent cinema industry. And then because Kristen Stewart was cast . She had only done independent films . I thought it’d be a simple love story with vampires and that maybe it’d become a strange remembered film . Obviously , it became this huge phenomenon and no one had predicted it. Once you’re in it , you have to surf on the success wave ! I won’t complain to be in a successful film!

R.M. : You told us you don’t do films for money , but due to the success of Twilight, did you take part to the negotiations?
R.P. : In a way , I did . But it’s my manager and my agent who deal with it . My only wish is to go on working . The other aspects bother me. And I don’t think about money when I do films one after the other . It’s what I enjoy . Before Twilight, I did a tiny film “Little Ashes”. There was no budget and above all no money for me but it allowed me to live 4 months in Barcelona, just for this film. It was awesome ! Except that , my life is the same , I always do the same things . So there aren’t so many difference between the past and the present

R.M. : You play the guitar and you had a group . Is music important for you ?
R.P. : It’s very important and I think being an actor helped me for my music. In the past, I wasn’t interested in music . My sister who is a singer introduced me to this world . This indutry is much more difficult thant the film industry. You’re not really respected when you’re an actor , but when you shoot a film , in the end you’re paid . In the music industry , you’re constantly asked to improve yourself . You work again on your music and once it’s done, you’re not paid !The only reason I started doing music and trying to record albums, it’s because I’m a bit famous , and it’d perhaps help me playing with famous artists .Once you’re famous as an actor, doors are open for music . So I hope I could record some songs , but just for me .If it’s for money , it’s useless . And I consider that if you earn money no one can listen to you until it’s over , nobody can judge you either

**Si no digo algo me va a salir una úlcera así que aprovecho aquí: Hay cierto programa de E!News llamado "Extreme Close up to..." que me tiene indignada. Ayer salió el de Kristen (aquí) y me pareció cruel, por la forma en que todos esos comentaristas hablan sobre su actitud y sacan las peores conclusiones posibles. Respiré unas cuantas veces y decidí no poner nada para no contaminar nuestro *happy place*. Pero es que hoy ha salido el de Rob (aquí) y me ha dejado rugiendo. Según ellos, el Robness es un puro invento de marketing y la faceta en concreto de chico normal sorprendido por la fama, es pura fachada. O se dedican a lanzar especulaciones perversas o, aún peor, a deformar las palabras de Rob. Me dan ganas de vomitar. *Flipping the bird*


Graciasl RPLife y Robstenation

2 comentarios:

  1. Que alguien le pregunte a Rob qué le parece que España gane el mundial... o prefiere a holanda??
    No le pagaron por Little ashes??? Vivió 4 meses en Barcelona y se sintió recompensando a que si?? Si es que se vive genial en este país!!!!!!!!

    He visto entero los videos esos d E!News y vale que a veces van con mala baba pero luego decían cosas buenas, se contradecían los mismo periodistas.. XD

  2. No me digas que te ha dolido más lo del fútbol jejeje

    Hacia el final va mejorando la cosa...quiero decir, haciéndose menos mala y puede tener su punto por volver a ver vídeos antíguos de Rob. Pero para eso, tienes que tener un caparazón que resista tooooda la primera parte y yo por ahí no paso. Para alguien especial y distinto a todo lo que están acostumbrados en Hollywood, se dedican a querer revolcarle por la misma mierda de siempre, a ver si así lo encajan en sus estándares. Pues que les den.
    (A mama gallina con sus polluelos no me gana nadie ;)
