viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

Preach it sistah! THERE IS NO "CHOICE", it was already made!

El run run del marketing de Summit ya me tenía frita con lo del triángulo amoroso. Luego vino lo de "It all begins with a choice" y que si decisión pa'rriba, decisión pa'bajo...Y lo último, lo que ya me ha tocado la moral, es la frasecita del chucho en la discusión con Angryward "She's not sure of what she wants". Anda ya! En los libros no dudas ni por un momento de que los sentimientos de Bella hacia Edward son totalmente distintos de lo que siente por Jacob. No hay elección, así de sencillo.
Por eso, cuando he leído esta entrada de Happily Ever After en Robsten Love, la twi-talibana que llevo dentro me ha gritado que había que ponerla.

Ladies & Gentlemen, we have to have a little chat about Eclipse. I can’t believe I have to tell you this, but the success of these books hinges on our love for Edward & Bella and their story. Their love for one another is rebellious, desperate, passionate, and unwavering. The “love triangle” that you tried to create in New Moon doesn’t really exist in the books. When you read them, you never think for a moment that Bella will leave Edward in favor of Jacob. She loves Jacob and cares about him as a friend, but her feelings for Edward run so much deeper & truer, so that there’s really no comparison. Poor Jacob, he certainly tries to convince Bella otherwise - but he never had a chance. Since it’s told from Bella’s point of view there is never a question about who she is in-love with. Ever. Ask Kristen, she’ll tell you! That girl is insightful & smart and so much better at interviewing now, especially when she believes in what she’s selling. So make her a believer & others will follow. (...)

I’m hoping that you and Melissa Rosenberg have gotten your heads out of Jacob’s ass long enough to realize that Edward is the star of Eclipse. Wekinda understand why you had to insist on Jacobpalooza for New Moon since Edward was away for most of the book, but now it’s time for Edward to shine, or sparkle so to speak, & you better not screw it up! Robert Pattinson is hotter than the surface of the sun right now! HOLLA! He’s a marketing department’s wet dream (and I used to work in marketing, so this I know). Besides his obvious good looks, he seems smart, funny, and a little goofy - which is actually very charming! Why you wouldn’t use the biggest phenomenon to come along since New Kids on the Block in order to sell this film is beyond me. I would make sure he got as much screen time as humanly possible in this film, as well as out promoting it, if I were you. But I’m not you, fortunately or unfortunately.

Just please tell me we are not gonna see the same Taycob Promo Express Tour that we did for New Moon! I know that Rob is busy filming another movie right now, and that will be your excuse for not having him as visible during promos. But he's filming in LA, so that excuse won't hold any water with me. I am already seeing scheduled appearances with all 3 leads together, all 3 separate, and some with Kristen & Taylor alone, without Rob. Will we see anything with Kristen & Rob alone, without Taylor? Probably not, right? What are you so damn afraid of? Speaking of which, I haven’t seen one promo pic of just Edward & Bella. Everything I’ve seen so far are of all 3 leads together. I don’t know if you remember this or not, but Edward asks Bella to marry him in this book/film. More than once. And she says yes. So, you may want to consider at least one poster, pic, banner of just the two of them. It might be a best-seller or something. Just sayin’.

Please prove me wrong! This was my fave book of the saga & I know there are lots of peeps who feel the same. I’m really pissed at the thought of it not being my fave film too. Do right by Edward & Bella and the readers/fans who love them.

Como véis, la entrada toca más palos que las más puramente puristas, es una lectura completita ;) Y como muestra, un botón: el primer Tv Spot y así aprovechamos que acaba de salir en HD (gracias RPLife)

Y otro botón, lo que tenéis justo abajo de la promo sin Rob :/ Su(ck)mmit no os entiendo!

2 comentarios:

  1. Completamente de acuerdo, Bella lucha por no perder la amistad con Jacob pero nunca se planteó nada romántico con él al menos mientras Edward existiera como ya dejó claro en New Moon.

    No se en porqué se empeñan en lo mismo; lo que funciona y hace que la gente se mueva con la saga es Edward y Bella, no hay más.

  2. Ahí le has dao, gemela mía (en serio, hay veces que me da cosa darte tanto al razón porque es como hablar conmigo misma ;) por eso te gruño un poco de vez en cuando jijijiji
