miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

Rob about his music

Es un artículo del indiatimes (la entrevista no es de ellos, suelen ser un poco...imaginativos), breve pero que está muuuy bien porque Rob habla de sus planes como músico.

In fact, the ‘New Moon’ star said that he would be recording a few tracks after he finishes off with the promotion of his film.

"I write songs, that''s true. I''ll record a few tracks as soon as I finish the promotion for the movies, but before I won''t do anything,” Contactmusic quoted him as telling Paris Match magazine.

He added: “I don''t want to release an album which has a sticker on it saying, ''By the vampire of ''Twilight'','' on it.

"If the record is released one day there won''t be my name or my picture on the cover. Everyone would be biased. No one would listen to it.

"Before I was famous I would have loved to perform in bars and pubs. But this isn''t possible anymore."

Y como prueba de la imaginación de los del periódico, añaden al final: Robert Pattinson has revealed that he wants to become a pop star.

Gracias Robstenlovers!

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