viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

New Moon: Best Midnight Open Ever!!!

En EEUU parece que no son conscientes de que existen otros países en el mundo, así que todavía no he encontrado nada de la taquilla que ha hecho estos días de estreno en Francia y España. Lo que sí sabemos en que en USA ha batido el record de taquilla nocturna. Como dice Robsessed, es raro pero me siento super orgullosa ;)

UPDATE: Summit has announced that The Twilight Saga: New Moon has officially set a new all-time midnight box office record, taking in $26.27M from 3514 theaters.

The all-time record for midnight showings is held by
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which took in $22.2M on a Tuesday night on its way to a 5-day weekend total of $158M. (source)

Move over Batman, there's a new hero in town and his name is Edward Friggin' Cullen! :)

Congratulations Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Chris Weitz, Stephenie Meyer (The Holy) and rest of he fabulous cast and crew! WELL done! :)

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