viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

Mr Weitz on Kristen Stewart (radio interview)

Qué gustazo poder poner un poco de Kristen también ;)
Entrevista de radio en la que Chris Weitz habla de New Moon y destaca el trabajo de Kristen.

"Especially Kristen who has to carry the entire film, was shooting everyday, and I think is just a force of nature. I think she's absolutely extraordinary. I think she's one of the best actors living to be honest."

"The way that she portrays emotions is extraordinary. I don't think I've ever met an actor who had a better bs meter on themselves. Even takes that I thought were wonderful she'd say 'No, No, No' and than the next one would be much better. She delivers this kind of really wonderful performance."

Gracias a nuestras TOMs

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