lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Mr Weitz explains the new NOT shiny NOT silver Volvo

Forma parte de un artículo de MTV sobre 5 impactantes cosas que puedes haber pasado por alto en New Moon (cha-chaaaaán) pero a mí, en realidad, sólo me ha llamado la atención ésta.

Edward's Chameleon-Esque Car
If his lousy parking job distracted you, perhaps you didn't notice that when Edward pulled into Forks High, his famed Volvo was no longer gray, as it was in the novels and the first movie. Hey, Chris Weitz, what gives? "I've taken a real spanking for this, a lot of heat," the director explained. "I'll tell you exactly why: Volvo wanted to give us a new, different car so I didn't want to paint it exactly the same silver color, because then [Twilighters] would be saying, 'Why are they trying to say that it's the same car; it's obviously not.' So, I thought, 'Well, I'll choose a new color!' And I thought I would choose slate black, not a reflective black, because it actually absorbs light and it would reflect the mood and melancholy and depression [of his character]. I know I got it wrong, I apologize for that. But that is my reasoning."

El resto, aquí. Gracias TOMs!

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