viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

Fan self-flagellation

No todo el mundo puede estar de acuerdo.
Aunque sospecho que hay mucho prejucio y paternalismo en esos comentarios...

Estas son algunas críticas sobre New Moon

Y aquí lo que pensó al salir de la película la autora de esta entrada en Twifans
So, it's 4AM here in Southern California.. just got home from watching New Moon at a midnight showing. I'm literally in awe! The movie blew me, and literally everyone in the theater out of the water... we all cheered, screamed, laughed, and cried.
This movie makes me think, how the hell did Chris Weitz NOT direct Twilight? Would have saved us some good time and ... well some not happy fans.
Well, I get home right now, its late.. I get curious to see what the critics have to say. Though I'm thinking, oh yea this is going to get pretty good reviews.. nope. This is what they had to say... I can't even believe there is not one good remark about the movie, the graphics, the beauty, the music... how it fit so perfect. Somehow critics just dont get it.
I need EVERYONE on Twifans feedback on this situation. This seems pretty ridiculous!
Do you agree with the critics? Disagree? Why? If you were the Critic, and thinking outside of the "FANS" perspective, what would you rate it?

Claro, yo no puedo responder porque me inunda la perspectiva fan...pero creo que antes de ver la película tenían claro la crítica que iban a hacer de ella y no han dejado que el verla les haga cambiar de opinión.

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