miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

Seasoned Twilight Fans

Nuestras TOMs, tan creativas como siempre, han hecho una especie de refrito para crear una entrada en la que reflexionan sobre la forma en que las twilighters más talluditas disfrutamos de la saga desde una perspectiva totalmente distinta y, estoy segura, más enfervorecida gracias a las vivencias que vamos acumulando, jeje.
La verdad es que para los no iniciados puede parecer un fenómeno adolescente pero creo que el boom está siendo en el sector middle 20-over 30.

Seasoned Twilight fans often have mature-themed blogs

While we’ve covered the basics of what kids find fascinating about the Twilight vampires, there’s an entire realm of women who enjoy the saga from a completely different, more seasoned level.

Teens find Bella empowering and relish the description of a budding romance. Not having felt the passion in a first love, teens view the story in a fun, innocent, puppy love manner.

Conversely, adult fans use the relationship between Bella and Edward to reminisce about first loves. Reading about the chivalry and alluring bad-boy nature of Edward stirs passionate emotions that women haven’t felt for years, thus rekindling dormant flames with husbands and significant others.

Tasha of Something Less Productive is the perfect example. Declaring Emmett as her fictional boyfriend, Tasha feeds her Twilight addiction by blogging. Tasha says that her posts are typically Twilight related opinions peppered with real life adventures.
About her content, Tasha says:

"I try to keep it clean (PG-13), but I'm 26. So I blog from the perspective of a 26 year old. My mind goes to the gutter often, but half-naked pictures of Kellan will do that to a grown woman. It's impossible to stop the sexual innuendos when that happens. I also have a few readers *cough* my mom *cough* who are always scolding me about my language. "Do you kiss my grandchildren with that mouth?!" [Insert Orbit chewing gum jingle here] I often have my BFF Lindsey proof posts before I unleash them on unsuspecting readers. She helps me keep the language and offensive snark to a minimum."

The Latchkey wife is a fan with a rated R point of view. With one foot in the Twi-closet, she writes:
"Most of my friends and family know I'm a fan of everything Twilight. What they don't know is how many hours I spend online searching for Twi-related stuff, or how many times I've seen the movie, or how many times I've read the books. Few of them know that I watch the movie on my iPod on my way to and from work (well, listen really; it wouldn't be very safe to watch it!) And almost none of them know about this blog - basically just a select few that don't judge."
Recently, she made a map of the Twilight-infused seasoned woman’s brain:About the pictures, Latchkey wife says:
"I found The Female Brain and thought it was funny. Then I took the Male Brain version and left just the giant SEX portion and edited the rest to fit my, um, needs. I basically just went through all the thoughts I have on a daily basis about Twilight and what it has done to my life (ugh.)"

Are you a seasoned Twilighter who appreciates a snarky sense of humor, or do you prefer to keep your love for Twilight restricted to literary book discussions? Or does the Twilight fascination elude you all together?
Me alegra que me hagas está pregunta ;) La verdad es que empecé teniendo muy clara mi vena purista, quería que el blog tratara sólo de los libros y compartir comentarios profundos e intimistas. Después fui conociendo los blogs y páginas de referencia y vi que hay un montón de gente inteligente que comparte su fascinación por Twilight y lo hacen también desde un punto de vista divertido y punzante (en el proceso me hice una ferviente robstenlover y pasé a incluir temas de ellos también). Así que ahora hay veces tengo mis dudas con alguna entrada pero estoy muy contenta de haber ampliado mis horizontes y disfrutar aún más de todo lo relacionado con la saga Twilight -dentro de mi política de límites que conocéis -.

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