lunes, 20 de julio de 2009

Q&A with a Twilight Blogger

Miami Books Examiner continúa con su sección y esta vez le toca el turno a Twitarded, uno de los Twilight-blogs más divertidos e inteligentes que hay.
Os pongo lo que destacaría yo pero merece la pena leerla entera (pinchando en el link):

Q. Because it needs to be asked: Team Edward or Team Jacob?

JJ: Team Edward. All the way. I guess you could say I like my men with a dangerous side to them. Poor Jacob wouldn't stand a chance.

STY: I’d love to be all diplomatic and say that I’m “Team Switzerland” or something like that, but I am 100% Team Edward. Edward Forever, Jacob Never! (Woot!)

Q. OK, now that that's out of the way, on the rest of the questions. What is your favorite moment(s) in the Twilight series?

JJ: I love the conversation that Edward and Bella have in the car in Twilight when he admits he's a vampire. It was definitely a "squee" moment. I really also enjoyed Rosalie's tale in Eclipse -- it helped me understand why she was just a ... difficult character.

STY: Hmmmm… That’s a good question! I’m not sure if it’s partly because it’s been so inescapable in the Twi-blogdom (or anywhere else for that matter) lately, but Edward and Bella reuniting in New Moon has always been a favorite moment of mine. I missed him so much throughout New Moon that I was practically doing cartwheels when they were finally reunited!

Q. What is your favorite book in the Twilight Saga and why?

JJ: New Moon, hands down. Just as their love story brought back memories of the excitement and anticipation of first love, their break up really struck a chord with me. Her pain was palpable.

STY: Twilight itself will always be nearest and dearest to my heart. I think Midnight Sun is probably my favorite out of everything Stephenie Meyer has written, but I guess it doesn’t really count as an “official” book in the series (yet – c’mon, SM – we want it!!!). From either perspective, I adore the story of Edward and Bella meeting and falling in love.

Q. What are the pros and cons of being a Twilight fan over the age of 13?

JJ: I honestly don’t think there are really any cons, but that’s only because I’m used to people looking at me like I’m crazy.

The pros, on the other hand, are endless. Not only do I get to read something immensely enjoyable, I get added bonus of running around like a twelve year old with an action figure (very liberating, I assure you), meeting awesome people on line and best of all, writing my own blog. And the fan fiction that is out there is also very beneficial and very, very grown up.

STY: Well, I think we all know the obvious “cons” – embarrassment, hiding your obsession from others, risking ridicule by busting out mini-Edward in public – lol! But the “pros” far outweigh any downsides. I think the intensity of the “first love” story is such a strong pull for the older fans because it really reminds you what that felt like. And revisiting that place and those feelings is incredible. Plus the whole incredible Twilight online community had added an amazing amount of enjoyment to the whole experience for me as I connect with our readers and other bloggers.

Q. Do you feel that the advertising campaign for the Twilight books and films adequately represents the older fan-base? Why or why not?

JJ: I don't think so. I suspect that no one was really prepared for all the 30+ women to go gaga over the series. They really focused on the younger demographic.

STY: I honestly don’t think so. At all. It seems as is the advertising and licensed gear and all that is targeted squarely at the younger fan base, otherwise why would I have to suffer the humiliation of being a card-carrying “Hot Topic Frequent Buyer”?

Qué os parece una camiseta con: +30-women going gaga

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