miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

New Moon Set Visit, Day Two

Rotten Tomatoes está despuntando con unas crónicas muy buenas sobre sus visitas al set de rodaje de New Moon (quién pudiera). Merece la pena leer el artículo entero, yo os destaco aquí lo que me parece más interesante.
Gracias twicrack!

Escenas de acción "más realistas"

While the first Twilight film used plenty of wire work to achieve the look of vampires running/climbing with effortless ease (an effect criticized for a lack of weightiness and realism), wires here were being used in quite a different way. Stunt coordinator JJ Makaro, who paused for a moment to chat, said that the crew was making deliberate pains to make New Moon's action look more realistic.

"We have wire work, but we're really trying to not do a lot of it," he explained. "We don't want to get into the Hong Kong - floaty stuff that you see all the time, vampires hanging in the air and all of that. It's a tough call, because wires are wires, and the inherent problem with them is exactly that. They get floaty on you. So we're having a heck of a time trying to find the balance that gives us enough to make it supernatural without it being over the top."

Aunque nos duela el corazoncito, hay que reconocer que en algunas escenas de Twilight se notaba el efecto cable bastante - otra cosa es que eso nos importe, jeje -.

Torso de Robert Pattinson

Pattinson wore a dark burgundy hooded robe, his chest exposed. And yes, it was impeccably hairless and like alabaster, just as Meyer wrote it. Girls will swoon. Greene stood next to him, wearing a white and gray striped robe and red gloves. Stewart stood between them in black jeans, a short sleeved shirt, and sneakers.

Hay cosas difíciles de mejorar y el pecho escultural que luce nuestro Robert, por lo que hemos visto (detenidamente) del rodaje, es una de ellas. A la altura de Edward Cullen, vamos, perfecto. Una vez más, no es que nos quejemos de lo que vimos en Twilight (tenéis en una entrada previa el efecto brilli brilli-tableta por ordenador y el antes y después del bulkin up de Rob).

Qué buena es Kristen

Stewart was mesmerizing in take after take. The repetition of it was fascinating to listen to; the 19-year-old actress seemed to open a vein with every take, then fall silent. Or she'd ask Weitz for direction, or cut herself short with an expletive or burst of laughter. The tension of the scene always brightened once Weitz called "Cut!" -- a Volturi actor would give Pattinson a hand up, or Stewart might wander off, snapping out of the moment. (After one take, Pattinson turned to Greene and playfully asked, "Does it look like I'm in pain?")

Watching the monitors revealed even deeper layers in Stewart's performance. Stewart, who by now has nearly 20 film credits under her belt, is a uniquely emotional performer; anguish is practically written on her face. Maverick or no during rehearsals, Stewart packs an almost unrivaled intensity into her acting.

Nos encanta.

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