miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009

Kristen Stewart concienciada

Nuestras robstenlovers recogen una entrada del examiner que incluye un vídeo de un PSA (public service anoucement) de Kristen en favor de una mayor ciencienciación contra los delitos sexuales. No hace falta añadir más.

Twilight star Kristen Stewart sexual assault PSA video

Twilight star Kristen Stewart has filmed a public service announcement which is designed to raise awareness about sexual assault.

Stewart’s PSA was originally shown throughout the month of April which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The PSA will make another appearance throughout the month of September: National Campus Safety Awareness month.

Each year since 2005, colleges and universities across the United States have recognized September as National Campus Safety Awareness Month. It is the opportune time to get the information out to all incoming students. As Kristen Stewart mentions in her PSA, female college students are four times more likely to be assaulted than the general population.

It is critical that colleges and universities get this information out to help students stay safe both at school and off the grounds.

All higher education campuses have to deal with crime and it is through awareness that the students can be better equipped to protect themselves and prevent crime from happening.

By using celebrities such as Twilight’s Kristen Stewart, the hope is more students will view the PSA and get the much needed information.

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