jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010

New fan pics of Rob leaving the WFE set - isn't that lovable?

En serio, mirad esta carita, no tenéis alguna foto en la mañana de Reyes con una cara parecida?? No es increíble que haya tanta sorpresa y alegría en esa expresión, como si de verdad no se esperase encontrar a un grupo de fans esperándole?

I took these Monday night & Tuesday night after he was finished filming for the day. We stood out in the 100+ heat and rain just hoping for more than a passing glimpse of him. I had several shots of him on set- but I wanted one of him as himself. All day, while filming, they were very careful not to let you see much of him. After he changed into his regular clothes, I noticed that they weren't so diligent so I figure it wasn't him but the director wanting to keep movie secrets :). Anyway, as he drove by to leave he rolled down his window and waved at us. He was smiling and laughing. I just had to share them, he looks so cute and shy. He looked like he just couldn't believe that all the fuss was about him. My 8 year old daughter screamed at him and he looked directly at her and smiled and waved, needless to say, it totally made her day.

Una foto nueva más y la original de la que he recortado ésta

Gracias RPLife. Qué gozada es ser fan suya, casi casi dan ganas de salir del armario...

2 comentarios:

  1. No me resisto a comentar la cara q tiene Rob (toy con la izq,Opsa)... me encanta esa cara entre feliz, cansado y pillín ^_^

  2. Mi pobre tullidita, con lo que yo te quiero. Descansa abueli ;***


Man's Evolution