sábado, 12 de junio de 2010

Rob and Kristen Eclipse Press Conference summary - this is just the beginning

De momento tenemos unas cuantas fotos borrosas y un escueto resumen de lo que han dicho en la rueda de prensa Rob y Kristen (por separado). Poco a poco irán saliendo más detalles (que los medios pueden alargar hasta el año que viene, como ya hemos visto unas cuantas veces ;) Algo hemos mejorado.

No es rosa, verdad??Da igual, la manga corta es la clave: *Biceps-porn*. Tenemos vídeo!! (pero los vídeos de sólo audio de RPLife siguen teniendo su aquél porque, podéis visualizar a qué corresponde cada ruidito que hace Rob...). Gracias Robstenlove..
*Toda la parte de Rob en un sólo vídeo con buena calidad (por fin!). Gracias RPLife. Aquí lo tenéis subtitulado, gracias a la jefa por el link!!! ;**

Robert Pattinson Video Interview TWILIGHT ECLIPSE from ColliderVideos on Vimeo.

Atención porque le hacen LA PREGUNTA! Termina diciendo: the truth is...se queda callado...I don't know...se ríe y lo deja ahí! (estaría pensando lo suelto/no lo suelto, lo suelto/no lo suelto...XD). Genial hacia el final, cuando cuenta cómo Kristen intentaba hacerle reír durante la escena de la tienda. Se estaba poniendo claustrofóbico por rodar en una tienda de campaña, se le olvidaban las líneas estaba nervioso, quería pegarle un puñetazo a quien pillara más cerca (se ríe). Hicieron 3 tomas, Kristen estaba haciendo que dormía en el suelo pero abría los ojos y se le quedaba mirando hasta hacerle reír y quería estrangularla (se ríe).

Y después, la transcripción completa gracias a RPLife y la parte de Kristen, actualizado también con vídeos! (esta entrada estaba cogiendo proporciones epistolares ;)

Q: What drives you to succeed?
Robert: Probably fear of failure and an inadequacy complex.

Q: This role is considered a romantic hero, but Edward is also very possessive. How do you think Edward has changed, throughout the films?
Robert: In the first two movies, he feels desolation from reality, so when he finds one thing to hold onto, that’s where the possessiveness comes from. I think, as the series goes on, he accepts more of the contemporary world. All the things that were deemed to be flawed before start fading away, and that’s how I’m trying to play him. He’s coming out of his shell a little bit in Eclipse, so hopefully, by the end of Breaking Dawn, he’ll be a normal 17-year-old guy, who’s just a little bit pale.

Q: What’s the one part of your costume that always transforms you into character?
Robert: Probably the contact lenses. They make me miserable, as soon as I put them in. That’s what creates the pouting and brooding character.

Q: Did you have to learn anything new for Eclipse?
Robert: I guess I had to learn how to run properly. In the last two, I ran in a limp slash-skip, and I had to look like I could run more solidly this time. So, I spent a lot of time on a giant treadmill, like one of those wheels mice run around on, and got filmed doing it to improve my form.

Q: Have you ever gotten in a fight with someone for the love of a woman?
Robert: Yeah, probably. But, I don’t know if it was about love. It was more pride.

Q: Have you ever competed for a woman with another guy, the way Edward does with Jacob?
Robert: Compete? No, I haven’t. I’m not good at doing it. I just leave it alone. And also, if you are the one with the girl in the first place, maybe you’re forced into fighting a little bit. But, I would never be in Jacob’s position. Then, you’re just the guy that broke up the couple.

Q: What was it like to work more closely with Taylor Lautner this time around?
Robert: Yeah, it was good because I never do anything with anyone, but Kristen, except for brief things. But, it’s about letting Edward have petty emotions, like being jealous of Jacob and not being able to control himself around him because he gets under his skin so much. It became much easier to play much bigger scopes of emotion, once you let someone else get through your armor. So, doing that with Taylor was great. He’s really good, too.

Q: Was there a scene in particular that you most enjoyed?
Robert: Some scenes, it was just quite cool to have him there. I like the scenes where Bella has to reveal something about herself in front of Jacob and me, at the same time. It’s an extra thing to relate to. Most of the time, it’s just with Bella and she’s trying to convey something to Edward, and Edward is being totally sympathetic to her seeing another guy and seeing it’s not just about their relationship, it’s about some other person. It made it a little more interesting.

Q: How was it to film the tent scene? Was it difficult not to crack up?
Robert: The first time we did that tent scene, I was really freaking out. I don’t know why. I think it had to do with claustrophobia because we were actually shooting in a tent. I just couldn’t get it together. I kept forgetting my lines, and I was so nervous. I just wanted to punch anyone who was near me. We did about three takes, and Kristen was supposed to be asleep on the floor, and she saw that I was freaking out. Half-way through the take, she suddenly opened her eyes and was just staring at me and kept trying to make me laugh, through the entire take. It’s the most serious scene in the whole movie. I just wanted to strangle her for the first two seconds, but then I could not stop laughing, the entire time. We got literally one take where it went right, and it was because of that. When I was trying to hold back, I guess it made me more alive or something.

Q: Do you believe in having a soul, like Edward does?
Robert: Yeah, definitely. I can’t remember who said it, but a soul and a heaven must exist because good people aren’t rewarded enough on Earth. I always liked that idea, if that makes sense.

Q: Since you’ve had a new director with each film, do you have to explain to each director about the character?
Robert: It’s interesting. With the first Twilight film, everyone had very specific ideas and everyone was butting heads the entire time. Then, when Chris Weitz came in for New Moon, he basically came in with the opinion that he liked the first one and he liked what the actors were doing, so he just followed along that road. Then, when David Slade came, he was like, “I want to do everything completely different and not like the first two.” So, we talked about the character development and consistency from the two, and he was like, “It doesn’t matter, let’s just do something completely different,” which is good because then it’s challenging. It’s easy to get stagnate, if you play the same character. In New Moon, I felt like I was going a little bit deeper. And then, with Eclipse, I felt like I was doing a completely different movie and a completely different character. So, yeah, it was nice and challenging.

Q: What was David’s biggest change?
Robert: I guess he was really fighting to make it not so solemn. In my eyes, Edward has been so calculated and everything is not rash, and David wanted to speed up the whole thing and make him more vulnerable.

Q: Jacob has that great line in the film about being hotter than Edward. How was it to film that scene? Were you upset Edward didn’t get a comeback to that? Would you like to address that issue right now?
Robert: There’s nothing you can say. “Yeah, you are!” “At least I’m not hotter than you!” I don’t know. Yeah, it was quite fun. There are quite a few lines in there. Jacob has quite a few catch phrase type of lines, with me especially. For some reason, I find it quite funny when I’m doing stuff with Taylor. There are a couple confrontational scenes, where I push him around a little bit, and I thought I’d really scare him and grab him, and it would freak him out and turn the whole scene upside down. Then, I grabbed his shoulder and it was too big to actually get a grip on, so I just dropped my hand. It was embarrassing. I got him badly, thought. He kept having to dress up in a little grey spandex wolf suit and try to be intimidating with Kristen patting him on the head. That was quite fun.

Q: Edward and Victoria have a really cool fight scene in this film. How much training did you and Bryce Dallas Howard have to go through, and what was it like having to fight a girl
Robert: Weirdly, one of the producers told me, “Wow you look so enthusiastic in that fight scene! Much more so than any other one in the series.” I did a bit of practice with Bryce. It’s really hard to do stuff with her because she’s the gentlest person and she’s always laughing when you do anything. And then, she’d be afraid of hurting me. Most of the vicious stuff I did was with a stunt double who was really, really tough. But, the bits with Bryce, we’re just rolling around and grabbing onto each other. It was fun.

Q: Are you afraid that everything else you do will be compared to Edward Cullen?
Robert: I’ve always been of the opinion that, if something explodes really quickly, it takes the same amount of time for people to think of something else. I don’t know. I hope not. Maybe it’ll be a good thing. I have no idea.

Q: Both you and Kristen are very serious actors. How do you guys prepare for your scenes together? Do you get together and go over them, or do you prefer to just get on set and see what happens?
Robert: For some reason, I can’t understand anything and I think I’m going really into the depth of the character, when it just seems so obvious to Kristen. Her mind works completely differently. She can just feel things immediately, and I like to be more cerebral about things, in completely the opposite way of Kristen. I don’t feel confident unless I know more about the reasons why I’m doing things. I don’t really do that for other parts. That’s what I do for Edward. But, since the first one, I always like to go in-depth about things.

Q: Do you understand the fantasy about you and Kristen being together, in real life?
Robert: Do I understand the fantasy of it? No, not really. Well, I guess people like stories. My basic conclusion is that they just want everything to be about Twilight. Aquí falta lo de "The truth is...I don't know"

Q: Do you ever check any of the fansites?
Robert: It’s incredible the information they get so quickly. Sometimes, I’ll check them to see what my schedule is, especially on the weekend when I can’t get through to my agency. It’s strange being in Twilight because so much of the fan base is being on the Internet and having a community with each other. You see people turn up on sets of other movies I’ve done, to take a picture. It’s strange.

Q: What would you say to someone who is wondering whether or not they should go see this movie?
Robert: I don’t know what to say to people. It’s become so big. It’s become part of the cultural environment. For the first and second one, I knew exactly what to say to people. If you don’t know what the story is by now, then you’ve probably never been to the cinema before. How about, “Why not go to the cinema for once?” I don’t know. If you’re a fan of it, there’s a lot of things that plays into what the fans of the series want. If you’ve never seen them before, a lot of people who have seen it tell me that it’s the most accessible of the three. It’s a solid story, by itself, and it’s more of a sort of action film. When I was watching Twilight the other day, I realized that you do need to read the book to get it.

Q: You were on the first soundtrack. Would you contribute again to the soundtracks for any more of the movies?
Robert: I’ve done a couple of things. I’ve always just been playing around. It was nice to be involved in the first one. I just saw Twilight on TV, for the first time, a few days ago, and, when my song came on, I was just thinking that is so bazaar that I actually had a song in the movie. I’m amazed Catherine [Hardwicke] did it. It really shows how none of us thought it was going to be so massive. I never thought people would buy the soundtrack. So, it’s a little more nerve-wracking now. I don’t know. Maybe.

Q: What do you think Edward’s evolution is in Breaking Dawn?
Robert: I haven’t read it yet. I’m starting it a month after the job I’m doing now, and I haven’t read it yet. I didn’t intend to not read it until now. It’s quite exciting. I have no idea. I just heard brief rumors about what happens in the story, but I don’t really know what happens at all.

Q: How are you going to go about getting your long hair back for Breaking Dawn?
Robert: I’m thinking maybe Edward got a haircut. That might be easier. But, yeah, I didn’t even think about that, when I got it cut. That is a bit silly. Vampires can cut their hair. I like the idea of Edward having a shaved head in the last film. That’s pretty cool.

Q: How long have you known Breaking Dawn was going to be two films?
Robert: I found out about Breaking Dawn when the press release came out.

Q: Have you met with Bill Condon yet?
Robert: I met him briefly, a few weeks ago, kind of by accident, just before the MTV Awards, in a bar. He seemed great. He seemed like a really, really nice guy. I haven’t talked to him, in detail, about anything. But, Gods and Monsters is an amazing movie. I think it’s going to be good. I don’t even know where they’re going to shoot it yet, or anything.

Q: Can you talk about your upcoming projects and who you play in those films?
Robert: Bel Ami is about a character, Georges Duroy, who is a broke ex-soldier in Paris, in 1890. Basically, he has no drive. He is just jealous of everything. I quite liked the story. Kids nowadays feel entitled. People want to go into a job, but don’t want entry level. They want $100,000 a year, out of the gate. That’s exactly what this guy is like. He’s completely talentless. The only thing he does is that, by accident, he finds this guy he’s in the army with, in a brothel, and this other guy wants to impress him, so he gives him some money and invites him around. It ends up being like he invited the devil into his house. He seduces his wife, he seduces his wife’s friends and, every single influential woman he can get, he has an affair with. He ends up screwing over society and making millions and millions of francs. It was a really fun, completely amoral, evil character. It’s a story about how the shits can completely win sometimes, by doing absolutely nothing.

Water for Elephants is a story about a guy in 1931 whose parents both died in a car crash. When he’s at university studying science, he jumps on a train out of desperation to find something else, and ends up being on this circus train and falling in love with the star attraction, who also is the wife of the ringmaster. All this chaos ensues after that.

Unbound Captives is a romantic drama/western, and my character is the son of Rachel Weisz. He gets kidnapped by Comanche’s when he’s four, and is raised by them. My mother spent 15 years trying to find me, and I come back and can’t speak English anymore, and I can’t recognize her and she can’t recognize me. I come back and look like a Comanche, and I have massive ADD as well. It’s about learning how to live in a new environment again.


11:05 a.m. Kristen Stewart says she drives a Toyota Tacoma and also, sometimes, a Mini-Cooper, “Though I feel a little too flashy in that.”

11:05 a.m.
“If I’m doing something that makes me happy and I’m not lying to anybody,” Kristen says regarding what drives her. “I have a lot of ambitions, but for the next few years, I just want to be an actor.

11:06 a.m. Is the saga taking over her life?
“This is a unique situation,” she says, calling it “lucky” and a “serious indulgence.” She says, “This is obviously the one role that has put me in this epic position, but it’s just another movie,” saying that “I really don’t think about my career in terms of planning it out and what this does for me. This was just a part I really wanted to play and I was lucky to play it for a long time.”

11:08 a.m.
“What’s cool is that things change,” Kristen says, regarding the major choices that Bella makes in this movie. “As soon as she sees him in the first one, it’s done. But it’s hard for her to get to the point where everyone will accept that,” she says of the Edward/Jacob choice.

11:10 a.m.
“I just stand behind people who are stronger than me for the entire movie,” Kristen says of the action responsibilities in this movie. She says that her hardest scene was the one where she got to kiss Jacob for the first time, but not for physical reasons. “It was a different Bella,” she says, adding, “And I was nervous as hell about it.” She calls The Kiss, “a mistake” that Bella makes.

11:10 a.m. “I think if you took all of the mythical aspects away from the story, it would still stand as a really strong, interesting thing to be a part of,” Kristen insists. “I don’t think it’s a big phenomenon because of the vampire mythical aspect,” she insists, saying the appeal is about the strength of the characters and the choices she makes, though she acknowledges the vampire stuff makes it “cooler.”

11:12 a.m. As I tweeted last night, “Eclipse” features more close-ups than any previous movie. “I didn’t do anything differently,” Kristen insists, saying that working with somebody different on each movie has been cool, because it requires you to rethink the basic ideas, rather than just coasting along. “He meets Bella through me,” Kristen says of working with David Slade and introducing him to the “Twilight” world.

11:13 a.m. Kristen admits she feels sad about losing things from the book, but she’s relieved that “Breaking Dawn” is going to be two movies, meaning fewer cuts. She gushes, ”I can’t wait to see Renesme. I can’t wait to have a kid and get married.”

11:14 a.m. “All of the things that annoy me about her are things that I love about her,” Kristen says, regarding her favorite and least favorite Bella traits. “My favorite thing about her is that she screws up and doesn’t care,” Kristen says.

11:15 a.m. “I knew everything from the word ‘go.’ I’m really mature that way,” Kristen cracks when asked if she ever had a birds-and-the-bees conversation with her own father. It’s always good when she makes jokes.

11:16 a.m. “Do I believe in marriage? Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to do,” Kristen says.

11:17 a.m. “That scene is eternal and I have nothing really to do in it,” Kristen says of her role in The Tent scene. She had to play “sleep.” She adds, “I just remember it being really hot.” She’s referring to actual warmth, not to being in a tent between Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson, though…

11:18 a.m. Kirsten is listing her favorite designers. My eyes are glazing. I’ll snap out of it in a second.

11:19 a.m. Does Kristen rush into things head-on like Bella? Or does she think more. “I do what I feel and I really don’t think about what it’s going to do afterwards,” she says of her work choices. “I’m kind of a control freak,” she adds. So apparently she’s a bit like Bella and then a bit not.

11:20 a.m. Are Edward and Jacob actually good romantic choices? “None of our characters are perfect. They are all so crazy and messed up and that’s why they go so well together,” she says. She admits that if she were a friend of Bella’s, she might be warning Bella to watch out for both Jacob *and* Edward.

11:21 a.m. She’s over-the-moon about doing “On the Road,” which was a favorite book of hers. She starts a four-week Beatnik Boot Camp in July in preparation for shooting. She notes that a four-week preparation process is unheard of. She’s noticeably excited for this one, which will be directed by Walter Salles.

11:23 a.m. “It’s hard to take details of your personal life and apply them to a scene,” Kristen says, asking if she can relate to certain scenes. She’s referring specifically to The Tent scene, again. “I wish it wasn’t as hot,” she adds again. Once again, warmth.

11:23 a.m. Kristen suspects “Breaking Dawn” will be PG-13, but admits she has no idea.

11:24 a.m. “For somebody who hasn’t [seen the other movies], I do feel like these movies sort of stand alone. There’s a lot of backstory, so you don’t need to see the other ones to see this,” Kristen says. She promises it has “way more action.” She also calls it “more dynamic.”

11:25 a.m. The “Breaking Dawn” shoot is going to be six months, starting in October, Kristen says. She says she’s known that it was going to be two movies “forever” and she admits it’s been hard to keep that “secret.”

11:26 a.m. Uh-oh. A personal question for Kristen about her relationship with Rob and speculation surrounding it. She has no answer and just says that speculation will probably continue.

11:27 a.m. “I really can’t wait to get into that. I’ve been on the outskirts of what it would be like to play one of them,” Kristen says, regarding getting to tap into her vampire side for “Breaking Dawn,” adding, “She’s going to be the coolest vampire of any of them.” She looks forward to charting the full character change in Bella from the first movie through to the end of “Breaking Dawn.”

11:28 a.m. Sigh. Somebody ask Kristen to compare kissing Dakota Fanning and Taylor. She says she preferred Dakota, but she’s obviously just trying to get on to the next question.

11:30 a.m. Yay! Kind words for Billy Burke, one of the franchise’s most underrated pieces. She’s all praise for her movie father. He has a couple great scenes in “Eclipse.”

11:31 a.m. Kristen emphasizes that people who call Bella a weak, codependent girl aren’t reading her correctly. She’s learning. She’s dealing with things. She’s making mistakes and gaining from them and she’s becoming more sure in what she wants.

11:31 a.m. That’s it for Kristen…

Un rodaje de 6 meses???? (hasta para dos películas juntas es mucho...espero que Rob no se sienta claustrofóbico, esto podría recordarle a su etapa HP...bueno, en realidad no creo ;) no se va a parecer en nada).
Gracias HitFix (ahí tenéis también las conferencias de los Cullen, David Slade, Mrs Botox..), RPLife, Cullenizme y Kstewartfans

13 comentarios:

  1. Esto va a seguir muy largo para comentar, vamos a batir récords.. no entiendo algunas cosas que ha dicho Rob como que no había leído BD y yo siempre había entendido que se los había leído todos del tirón al principio, en un fin de semana... a lo mejor es que mezclo las cosas... también eso de que no había visto Twilight, en serio?? Juraría que dijo que en la premier se salió porque estaba muy nervioso pero pensaba que después de tanto la habría visto..

    Voy a cenar y ahora ya analizo por partes todo como a mí me gusta ;)

  2. Bueno, es logico, es un libro mucho mayor. Pero 6 meses es bastante.
    Pero no empezaban en noviembre???
    Y rob a cada poco mencionando a kristen
    Como sea lo de la twi Con con ellos tres???
    Bueenas noooches, asta mañana por la noche :)

  3. Yo creo Qe Qieren admitir la relacion pero tienen miedo a como seria todo despues, si se volveria peor o mejor, ii tampoco saben ni como decirlo, lo as visto con lo de rob
    La verdad es...("ii como suelto yo esto aora? no me atrevo...") No lo se
    Estan tan acostumbrados a desviar la pregunta, a pensar en posibles desviso Qe nunca han pensado en como decir Qe stan juntos. Otra cosa, es lo timidos Qe son Qe no se atreven.
    Vamos Qe stamos deseando Qe digan las palabras magicas, pero, como o cuales seran las palabras magicas?
    Y lo de Qe no vio crepusculo, no se, me extraña, yo tambien lei lo de Qe se fue de la premiere.Supongo Qe dira la verdad,no?

  4. En serio rodaron en una tienda de campaña real? Yo pense Qe rodrian en un decorado. Qe rollo debe ser con las camaras ii todo eso,no?
    Aora tengo mas ganas de ver esa parte como la rodarian ii como se vera???
    Conferencia con todos, maaadre mia
    Nunca abia vivido tan de cerca una pre-avalancha, dios mio mañana la Qe se me va a venir encima por la noche...
    No ay conferencia con The Goddess???
    Ay un video nuevo con kristen, solo ella, con audio, lo encontre en luna nueva meyer.
    Esto va a batir el record de comentarios

  5. Violeta!! qué ta lo llevas? mucho ánimo yogurina!!!
    Lo de soltar la bomba, os imagináis que hubiera dicho: la verdad es que...sí, estamos juntos. No les veo haciéndolo a ninguno de los dos, ya lo hemos comentado muchas veces.
    Lo de Noviembre lo dijeron al principio, luego se le escapó Octubre a Christian Seratos pero lo desmintieron...no sé, 6 meses es muchísimo.
    Lo de haber visto Twilight: sabemos de sobra lo de la premiere y luego yo siempre le he oido decir que no la había visto. De hecho, la primera película suya que vio entera no dijo que había sido New Moon? anda que...tiene chiste que la vea en la tv.
    Lo de los libros: Is, yo también le había entendido que los leyó todos de golpe, pero ahora me doy cuenta, eso fue en 2007, BD aún no había salido!!!jejeje.
    Esto no ha hecho más que empezar y ya es una locura jar!!!

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Ya estoy aquí:
    - Rob dice que conduce coches alquilados...significa esto que su coche sigue perdido en alguna parte de LA?
    - Rob says he doesn't complete with other guys for another guy's girl. "I would never be in Jacob's position," he says ==> esto significa que él no se metería en medio de ninguna pareja? Y todo este tonteo que hemos visto entre R%K aún cuando Orégano existía?
    - Que no se preocupe que aunque Robward estará siempre en nuestro corazones, le seguiremos hasta el fin del mundo, empezando porque gane el teen choice por RM!!!!
    - Edward sin pelo en BD?? Qué has fumado majo?
    - ¿Quién dice la verdad? Dos protagonistas y uno sabe que BD eran 2 partes y el otro no?
    - La escena de la tienda tiene que ser super graciosa si eres actor y la estás haciendo pero como espectadora sufriremos estoy segura
    Ahora comento la parte de Kristen

  8. Lo de Kristen:
    - Te perdonamos el beso al chucho porque lo llamas error XD
    - Si te tanto le gusta que BD sea en dos partes que se imponga! Guerra a la señora del bótox y a la señora mormona!
    - Lo de ser una control freak se lo habrá pegado Rob?
    - En lo de que Bella sea débil y codependiente pues estoy de acuerdo pero Edward es igual porque al final no puede estar sin ella y vuelven

  9. Qué mona que es ella haciendo los deberes ;) En el link de audio se oye mucho mejor, dice que él nunca sería el tío que rompe una pareja. Probablemente lo de Kristen-Orégano estuviera mal antes de que llegara Rob, estas cosas suelen pasar así. Si estás enamorado y bien yo creo que nadie se puede meter por medio (mi teoría, e?)
    Ya, lo del pelo ;) yo creo que le tienen frito con el pelo jeje. A mí, el pelo de Robward que ás me gusta es el de Twilight y Rob le tiene como manía, creo que una vez dijo medio en broma que era el 90% de su actuación. Estará cansado de que tenga tanto protagonismo algo que le parece una chorrada.
    Ya, lo de BD es curioso, dos versiones tan distintas. No creo que ninguno mienta, a lo mejor con las entrevistas del junket no enteramos más. Tiene pinta de que falta información.
    La tieda!yo también pienso que va a ser intensa..18 días!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Estoy escuchando ahora el audio y hay más cosas, es verdad, tengo que apoyarme en lo escrito porque sino pierdo el hilo pero me entero, he entendido lo de liarse con la novia de otro..

  11. Yo he pensado lo mismo con lo del control freak, es una clara influencia ;)
    Qué manía tienen los medios de ponerle etiquetas a la relación Edward-Bella, es amor verdadero, es una historia increíble, no la puedes encuadrar en el día a día, entonces claro que pueden resultar dependientes el uno del otro pero cómo no va a ser así cuando después de vivir 120 años tu vida cambia por completo por una persona, a la que además tienes que proteger continuamente, de ti mismo el primero?? ahí no puedes meter el elemento, "esta tarde salgo con mis amigas porque es más sano para nuestra relación"! Anda ya!

  12. Estoy de acuerdo en ese planteamiento, en que si la miras objetivamente y en un contexto actual, un chico que aunque tenga 17 es como si tuviera 100 "acosa" todas las noches a una menor, se la quiere "comer" XD, siente que no puede vivir sin ella... es que es un pervertido acosador.. pero esta historia solo tiene sentido si la englobamos en un mundo donde se aseguran que las almas gemelas existen, porque la imprimación entre los lobos es real para ellos y para mí lo de Bella y Edward es como una imprimación también, se pertenecerán por siempre.
    ¿Me ha quedao mu cursi?

  13. No, te ha quedado genial, suscribo palabra por palabra (choca esos cinco, gemela!)


Man's Evolution