sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Fighting against the 15-year-old in me

La revista será para quinceañeras pero mi reacción no sería muy distinta al ver el poster gigante del interior (puede que peor! XD) y la entrevista está muy bien. Parece que el día de su cumpleaños Rob se jartó a entrevistas telefónicas. Hablando de su escena favorita (la 3º versión!!!! en serio, se está quedando con nosotros ;), de su relación con los directores (a mí me sigue sonando a que con David Slade hubo tensión) y sobre todo, la escena de la petición de mano. Que llegue a hablar así de ella después de lo mal que le pareció al principio la escena y lo nervioso que le hizo ponerse, me vuelve loca. Faltan 4 días y parece que aún son 40!!!!

Poster del interior, el resto de scans aquí (dejadme un resquicio de dignidad, es como la Vale por favor...)

It was May 13, 2010, Rob’s 24th birthday. Any fan would have wanted to talk to congratulate him or give a gift, but we did the opposite: we got the gift from him, since we had the chance to chat and ask him details about "Eclipse". It was 1:53pm when my cell phone was linked to him in Beverly Hills, California. I greeted him with a "Hi, How are you?" . He answered "Okay ... What about you?" I could have said I was in shock, but I just answer that great ..." ready for this interview?”, I pronounce, and after a "yes" we start it.

TU: What was it like working with new director, David Slade?
It's strange, every director has been different. Catherine Hardwicke is a little wild, Chris Weitz was so calm and easy to understand, David has a different view on how to do a movie, he brought a lot of new ideas, which was interesting.

TU: Eclipse gives a lot of human values. For example, Edward proposing to his family a peace treaty with the wolves to protect Bella. For you, what's the main message in this film?
Maybe that you don't have to base your entire life in only one person and to anchor yourself to someone. I mean, you will always have other commitments and it's the only way to keep a healthy relationship. Another message? Um, I had one in mind and I just forgot. Oh! I got it: Edward's message is to value life. For him, being separate from the world and not being able to live is awful, that's the message Edward gives us.

TU: What was the biggest challenge during Eclipse?
The amount of accion scenes. We had a lot of action sequences and a lot of training and those type of things I hadn't done for Twilight or any other film, so it was very different.

TU: How have you changed from the first film to the third one?
They are all different and I had to adapt to that. The first two are more intimate. Twilight is the relationship between Edward and Bella, New Moon is the development of Jacob and Bella. Eclipse unites the werewolves and the vampires for a goal. What this one achieves is huge.

TU: Did you have a special training to film all the action scenes Eclipse?
Yeah, I did about a month, well about three weeks before we started filming [laughs]. We rehearsed the main fight every day, the big scenes and some other things, it was really tireing!

TU: Was there any very dangerous scene were you had to use a stunt double?
Sometimes, but I tried to do most of my action scenes. Generally, they won't let me do very dangerous scenes, because if I get hurt, they have to stop filming for some time. I do what I can.

TU: Talking about fights, what was it like working with Bryce Dallas Howard?
¡Oh! She's magnificent, she's really adorable, she turns diabolic in the film ... but in real life she's one of the nicest and caring people I've ever met.

TU: Could you talk to us a little about the proposal scene?
It was strange to do that, it was a weird scene and curiously we did it on the last day of shooting. I think it's very sweet. I hope people like it, it's a very nice part of the film.

TU: What did you learn while making this film?
I think I learned how fight like a vampire [laughs] What else? I don't know, I don't remember [more laughs].

TU: Do you remember the first day of shooting?
Yeah! What happened? Oh, I can't remember! It's terrible. I remember recently we repeated some scenes. I don't know, one day of shooting. Every time I get back from a break, they put make up on me and center on every little detail. Remembering that is nice, it's familiar.

TU: What's the best about being a vampire?
From Edward, I like that you don't relate to people in the same way you do with humans, you're different, it's like you're invisible. Obviously you see the world in a different way, but communicate some other way. You can do whatever you want, basically because you are not human. I think that's it.

TU: What was your favorite scene in Eclipse?
I liked working with Taylor, they were interesting, because I usually only film with Kristen. So the scenes with Jacob and Edward were fun.

TU: The success you have won't stop! Why do you think girls are so fascinated with Edward?
They are so connected to the books, I don't think it's a specific character that they love so much. It must be the relationship between Edward and Bella, they love that pairing so much, they want to know what happens with their lives, I think they are curious in that way.

TU: What was your favorite location?
We filmed a lot on top of a mountain in Vancouver. It was very high and it's before the big fight scene, it was beautiful.

TU: Thanks for your time, and happy birthday!
Thank you!

5 comentarios:

  1. Si me hicieran tantas entrevistas como a él entraría en mil contradicciones, yo creo que se le va la olla y no se acuerda, simplemente resalta los cambios de una peli a otra

  2. Claro que sí, Is tienes toda la razón. Tiendo a pensar que cualquier cosa que dice es una coña pero al pobre se le tiene que ir muchíiiiiiiiiisimo más que a nosotros (figúrate jejejeje) ;***

  3. Acaso no puede aber varias escenas favoritas?? Ademas, con tanta entrevista yo me liaria a respuestas.
    Se puede saber cual es el problema Qe tenia con la escena de matrimonio???
    Con CH se llevaba mal, con CW bien ii con DS otra vez mal, tiene problemas con los directores eeh

  4. Con Catherine mal? Yo creía que se llevaban muy bien, hasta en los MTV le dedicó el premio porque si ella no lo hubiera elegido para la peli no estaría donde está ahora. Con Chris se notaba que todos estaban muy contentos con él, y con el desaparecido, como digo yo, pues ni chicha ni limoná, todos remarcan que ha sido diferente pero no se deshacen en halagos tampoco.
    Creeis que el director no ha salido de promo porque no quiere verse relacionado mucho con la saga? Es que sigo sin entenderlo, creo que he visto una sola entrevista suya cuando los anteriores estaban hasta en la sopa.

  5. A ver...como diría Jack el destripador: vamos por partes.
    - Violeta, lo de la escena de la pedida te lo habrás perdido con los exámenes. Lo contó el productor en una entrevista, dijo que cuando Rob la leyó en el guión pensó que no podría hacerla, que era demasiado formal, que estaba muy bien para principios del siglo XX pero que ahora era imposible, que era ñoña y estaba super nervioso con rodarla.
    - Con CH siempre se ha dicho que no trabajó muy a gusto. Más bien por cómo es el estilo de ella, todo improvisación y la primera toma es la buena y todo como caótico...que es lo opuesto a lo que le gusta a Rob, prepararlo todo bien, control freak. Pero no creo que sea "llevarse mal" y de hecho sí, siempre la incluye en sus agradecimientos. Con David Slade sí creo que ha habido muy poco feeling personal, pero vuelve a ser un tufo personal por cómo les oigo hablar el uno del otro y porque parece que han elegido no hacer juntos nada de la promo. David Slade sí que ha hecho promo pero sólo junket en LA, nada de gira...lo cual me recuerda que hay una entrevista de él que se me pasó poner! diciendo que "Rob's better than he was" (tiene tela la frase e?: http://hollywoodcrush.mtv.com/2010/06/25/eclipse-tent-scene-robert-pattinson-david-slade/


Man's Evolution