jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Robert, Kristen and TL interview with Bravo Magazine (Germany)

Mis prejucios contra Bravo por poco me hacen perderme esta sorprendentemente buena entrevista. Os dejo los comentarios de Gozde porque ayudan mucho a disfrutar de esa parte ;)

Bravo: Tell me Rob: How do you become a Hero?

Rob(laughing out loud): Am I a Hero?

B: For the fans you are. You play the out sider, who every one loves…

R: It’s great to be an outsider

B: Are you talk ing from experience?

R: I was a loner in school. But you know what? It’s a com pli ment and the best thing that could have hap pened to me. When you are dif fer ent from every body else, it helps to be creative.(thinking) Maybe my point of view is a bit too romantic.

B: It’s ok to be romantic…

R: (grabs his hair and looks to the ground): I love being dif fer ent. I don’t want to lis ten to other peo ple or adjust myself, to ful fill expec ta tions. As an out sider I became what I am.

B: Are you the same in relationships?

R: In rela tion ships and friend ships you have to adjust, so that it works together. Isn’t it the best proof of love to work on your self, because you love the other per son so much. But you shouldn’t fake it just to be liked.

Tay lor: At school I didn’t have many friends either. Most of the time I was alone.

Kris ten: We all feel like out siders from time to time. Like today I felt like an out sider and I’m sure that the most pop u lar girl felt lonely and mis un der stood. I know how it feels to be unpop u lar. It shouldn’t bother me what peo ple say about me but some times it’s hard, even for me.

B: In the movie you are per fect heroes. What about in your pri vate life? Would you change some thing there?

T: I want to be so wild and strong like the werewolf-boys. I’m often shy and silent. Some times I want to be more extroverted.

R: I want to be a bit shorter.

K: (rolls her eyes): You are such an idiot, Rob! I don’t under stand why you say such stu pid things (Rob smiles embar rassed. Kris ten shakes her head) What is going on with you? Did you drink to much coke? (Gozde: I love this :))

UPDATE: pbirdie told us that the translation is missing Robs reaction to Kris comment mentioned by the interviewer:

Rob lacht noch Lauter. Er scheint es zu moegen, when Kristen in so Neckt...

Rob laughs even louder. Looks like he likes it when Kristen teases him...

R: I have really long arms and legs and I’m a total klutz. It isn’t very ele gant. If I ever had to dance on a stage I would die of shame. I’m not afraid of nor mal appear ance any more. I hope I can remem ber this moment 20 years from now.

B: Rob, you’ve accom plished a lot? Is it easy for you?

R: Some times I have to be moti vated, to move my ass. I have the bad habit of hang ing around. I have two options: either I want to do ever ything at once or I don’t want do anything.

B: And if you’re heart bro ken, do you lock your self up?

R: Oh no! You should never drown in sadness

B: …like Bella after the breakup?

K: I think it is impor tant to go through a break up. Look at Bella: In the end she is stronger than before, because she found her self. Girls always want some body who watches over them. But first you have to be strong. Then u can have a happy relationship.

T: I think the love tri an gle is really hard, in the movie. I feel sorry for Jacob, because Bella doesn’t love him back. When I read the book, I was like I don’t wanna expe ri ence that!

R: Being heart bro ken always feels ter ri ble. You have to go out side, meet some friends. But you shouldn’t ignore the pain, because some day it’s going to come back. But when you are young it doesn’t mat ter – after 5 days you fall in love again with some one else.

Gracias Robsessed

*Por cierto, siguen saliendo entrevistas desde la alfombra roja pero lo prometido es deuda y no añaden nada en particular como para faltar a mi palabra ;) (eso sí os dejo los links por si queréis, aquí y aquí)
** Y entrevistas supuestamente nuevas con Robert pero que ya hemos visto, por si os las habéis perdido, aquí y aquí.

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