lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

New Moon song that's not in the soundtrack

La que suena mientras Bella y Jacob están en el garaje la primera vez y ella le pide que apague la radio. Es de The Magic Numbers y os la dejo por si queréis escucharla entera.

Gracias Twifans

HQ Picture of Rob and Kristen from The Empire Magazine Shoot (2008)

La habréis visto muchas veces, pero acaba de salir en altísi-si-ma calidad (click sobre la foto para agrandar) y es una excusa como cualquier otra para ponerla ;)

El resto de las fotos de la sesión, en robertandkristen.

New Moon London Press Conference

Parece mentira, pero hasta ahora no habíamos podido ver casi nada y está muy bien por la actitud europea entre Robert y Kristen ;) escuchando atentamente cuando habla el otro, Kristen repitiendo la última parte de lo que Rob dice ("willey-nilley") y él le sonríe, Kristen queriendo responder a una pregunta y cogiéndole de la mano en plan "déjame, déjame"...en fin ;)

Voy a hacer con Robert Pattinson Life y os dejo el link, porque si no el vídeo se inicia automáticamente y es un rollo. Aquí, hay otro vídeo que no es que sea una segunda parte pero incluye algunas cosas que faltan en el anterior (os recomiendo ver primero el otro, porque el segundo corta los momentos Robsten ;)

* Y aquí el vídeo del photocall de Madrid que ya hemos visto, pero con el momento tropezón de Robert (mono hasta para casi caerse, pero lo del gif me parece un poco demasiao ;)

Ted's crush on Kristen

Ya sabemos que es Kristen, es otra razón más para publicar lo que dice:

Kristen StewartTaylor Hill/Getty Images

"Honestly, out of the whole set, of all the girls, Kristen is definitely by far my favorite. Personality-wise and everything. She's real and raw. And nice!"

New Moon costar Justine Wachsberger, on the many beauteous qualities of Kristen Stewart. I swear, isn't it about time everybody joined folks like Justine and just realized K.Stew's an all right chick doin' her best in a not always right media scene? Too much to ask?

(La que habla es la actriz que interpreta a Gianna en New Moon)

Robert and Kristen for Twilight Tv Show? - NO WAY. *Debunked by Gossip Cop

Es una noticia de MTV y me ha parecido tan absurda que la recojo sólo por eso: que Robert y Kristen van a participar en la versión Tv de Twilight a razón de 1 millón de $ por episodio?? Y no porque no les hayan ofrecido esa barbaridad sino porque:
- no necesitan el dinero
- no necesitan salir en la tele
- no creo que el proyecto tenga calidad suficiente como para que les apetezca
- no creo que una vez rodada BD tengan ganas de seguir prolongando el tema
En fin, se me ocurren miles de razones pero son variantes de ésas, que son las fundamentales. Así que no me lo creo.

Robert Pattinson is reportedly in talks to appear in a Twilight spin off TV show.

It’s claimed the British heartthrob will receive up to £1 million per episode he stars in.

Filmmakers behind the series are keen to cash in on the success of the movies and get the characters on the small screen.

There are also rumours that Kristen Stewart could sign up for the Twilight TV show for a similar pay deal.

Vampires already feature heavily on US screens with both True Blood and The Vampire Diaries watched by millions.

Twilight bosses will be hoping their huge cinema success can work on TV too!

Vía Robstenlovers

*Y, como no podía ser de otra forma, Gossip Cop confirma que es una

Robert Pattinson interview with a Slovenian Magazine

Supuestamente "nueva" y hecha en LA junto con Kristen, pero ella no sale ¿? y no sabemos exactamente de cuándo es.
Más bien parece, por las preguntas y las respuestas reconocibles, hecha a base de refritos de entrevistas algunas recientes, otras más antiguas...

Los Angeles is full of covers of Robert Pattinson, 23 year old Londoner who became a new sex symbol practically overnight. After closed screening of New Noon, the sequel of phenomenon Twilight, we met Robert and co-star Kristen Stewart at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. Every step we were followed by their personal PR people and by people from agency that organized interviews. And we were warned: "No personal questions. We are here to promote the movie." Okay. Anyway, we asked Robert about OK magazine, the actual cover was about their breakup, he smiled and said: "Gossip doesn't affect my career..." We can tell you, dear female fans, Robert is not as pale as Edward and his lips are not that red either.

How many girls asked you to bite their neck today?
(laughter) I have to disappoint you. I'm surrounded by bodyguards at all times and they practically carry me in and out, so I have almost no idea what is going on outside.

How do you handle instant fame, media interest and fan pressure?
Sometimes it is unpleasant, all those interviews, army of fans, magazine covers... At the beginning it was nerve wrecking, I tried to hide, but why bother? I have no intention to hate my life. I try to accommodate as much as I could.

Can you walk the street without being stampeded by an army of female fans?
Not really. Well, I don't even have time. I work a lot these days and I don't know what is happening in real world, I'm spending all my time on movie sets or hotels or on airplanes anyway. Big cities surprise me sometimes. Recently I've been in Tokyo and I went for a walk and no one recognized me and it was strange, since I was the only white person on the street...

Maybe all white people seem alike to them.... (Gozde: a touchdown by the interviewer :))
(laughter) Maybe. But it was a great experience, opposite to New York where I was making a movie recently. I had eight bodyguards there and they were walking along me on my way from trailer to movie set, but one day there was such a crowd that we had to actually run away - they were pulling me around, pushing, it was a mess. We had to hire additional ten body guards so I went to work every day surrounded by eighteen enormous guys. That was surrealistic.

Are you afraid of all the craziness around you?
Hysteric masses of people can be scary. I think everyone would feel bad in a situation where you have no control, where you can't do anything to calm the situation. People in this kind of situations are in a state of kind of hysteric hypnotic madness. Einstein was right when he said that human civilization is the most dangerous when it moves in masses.

As a teenager, were you never obsessed with a star?
I don't remember being obsessed, but I remember the huge impact the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest had on me. I started to dress like Jack Nicholson and I started to mimic him and it lasted some time. But I wasn't crazy over him or sat in front of his house.

Were you ever in love with an actress?
Maybe.... I don't know... I always liked Patricia Arquette, I think I was in love with her as a teenager, she wasn't very inspiring (laughter). Hm, it looks like I was a little lost as a teenager as well (laughter)....

Your parents are probably very proud of you?
Very! And they are a little surprised by my reaction to my success, I don't experience it as they are. They are impressed by it, everything is so fantastic to them, mom reads everything about me (laughter). I still think that everything is a lucky coincidence. I never wanted to be famous, I didn't plan big things in my life, so everything is strange to me. I still adapt and still think what to do with everything.

Mom believes everything she reads about you?
Unfortunately yes! She blindly believes everything she reads, even the bad stuff. When I try to explain her it's the tabloid magazines' imagination, she says: I know you, I know what you are like! (laughter)!

So she doesn't believe you and Kristen Stewart aren't a couple?
Like the rest of the world doesn't... (laughter) Well, I explained her that!

So we can't ask you about this ?
You can, but the answer will be the same as it was at the beginning of the conversation.

Are you and Kristen good friends?
Very, but only that! (laughter) As a team we are very close, because we are together all the time, making movies one after another. We are of the same age and we think alike, so we encounter the fame that happened to us together.

Are you worried that the role of Edward will always follow you as a shadow in your acting carer?
Not really. Anyway, it's too late to think about it after I signed for four movies of the series. It's normal that the audience see me as Edward, they watch me in this role all the time. I have to be patient, I make other movies too and I believe audience will see me as a different person. If they will see me as Edward in twenty years, it's possible I'll have to murder someone (laughter)!

So, you don't regret accepting that role?
There are good and bad sides of everything. Of course I don't regret it, but everything isn't perfect either. If no one knows who you are, it is difficult to land a role and it sucks because you feel like a loser. When you become someone, everyone expects a miracle from you, big roles, big movies, big hits, and it is not easy because it is a big responsibility, big pressure. It's always the best to be in the middle.

What can we expect from the third movie, Eclipse, you wrapped that movie?
Yes, recently, we are preparing for the fourth part. Expect more characters, more interaction among main characters, relation between Edward and Jacob, fighting for Bella's affection is
accentuated. There is a war between vampires and humans, there will be more action, the movie will be a spectacle.

During making movies you probably don't have enough time for music, which is a big passion of yours; you've written two songs for Twilight?
Yes, I put music aside for a while. Acting and music are important for me, but it's difficult to do both of them simultaneously. I try and play some music or write new songs during movie breaks. I'll try to record something later this year....

Is this the announcement of your record?
I don't know... Maybe (laughter).

Well, girls will go crazy if you become a rocker!
That's true! Women love rock stars! (laughter)

What's necessary for a woman to impress you?
Money! there's never enough of it! (laughter)

Besides that?
A lot of patience!

I'm not the easiest person. I'm stubborn and I don't like people to tell me what to do; if people order me around I become irritable and evil.

Describe a perfect date....
Uffff..... I don't know, I'm not very good in dating as dating is understood in America.

What do you mean?
In England, having a date means going out with your boyfriend or a girlfriend. Here in America, everybody goes on a date as if it is nothing special. "I went out with three guys this week..." Yes, you are a whore then, right? (laughter)

You know, you are being compared to Leonardo Di Caprio?
So stupid! It's not fair to him, my god, he was an Oscar nominee when he was eleven years old! (Di Caprio was nominated for an Oscar at twenty for the first time , author's remark)

What about being called the sexiest man alive?
That's even more ridiculous, I'm not even a real man yet!

Gracias Robsessed!


Para recordar las mejores fotos con buena música de fondo. Más de 4 minutos de purita gloria para sobrellevar la sequía ;)

Gracias Kate! (Robsessed)

Michael Sheen: wanted to be down with the kids but they treated him like an elderly uncle

Ya sabéis que también somos fan de este hombre ;) Ésta es una entrevista con EW en la que habla de su experiencia en New Moon, por qué decidió participar, de su hija...y de cómo se desenvolvió con los chicos

What made you want to sign on to this project?
I knew about the whole
Twilight thing, primarily through my daughter, who’s 11 and is a big fan of the books. She’s read the books many, many times. And I knew how much people got into them. These weren’t just books you read. She was really into it. That was my introduction to it. I read the scripts and the book myself and saw the first film. And I thought it was a wonderful story and a great character. And then [director] Chris Weitz sent me a really lovely letter. It was a terrific thing to get involved with.

What was your daughter’s reaction to your playing Aro?
It was a whole mixture of things. She was very excited to think I was going to be a part of this, but she also thought her father was taking over something that was hers. But she got over that pretty quickly and was in the end just excited about going to the premiere really.

That’s what it all boiled down to, her chance to meet Robert Pattinson?
Yes, but actually her favorite is Ashley Greene.

Ashley spoke very highly of her time working with you.
She’s lovely. They all were very nice but they kind of treated me like an elderly uncle.
They were all on their best behavior when they are around me. I just want to be down with the kids but that doesn’t really work out to well.

You have great command of the scene with the Volturi and you can tell that those other actors had great respect for you.
It helps coming into something where they all know each other and have already done one movie together. They’ve also been involved in the whole phenomenon together so I think they’ve bonded a lot. So when you’re coming in to do a big scene like the one we did in the film, it helps if the character you are playing is higher status than the other ones. At least it gives you a bit more confidence. So that certainly helped.

What do you think audiences are responding to with Twilight?
I think it’s a whole combination of things coming together. Especially for adolescent girls and also for older audiences, Stephenie [Meyer] takes the incredibly powerful experiences you have as a teenager and treats them absolutely fearlessly and gives them the respect they deserve. The first book and film are about the first time you fall in love. And
New Moon is all about the first time your heart is broken. These are some of the most powerful experiences you can have in your life, regardless of your age. And there is a tendency to kind of trivialize those things as you get older, to kind of be patronizing about those things. And Stephenie treats them absolutely seriously. She also, very cleverly in a way, said that the vampires are stunningly gorgeous as a way to lure their prey. That’s very clever because in casting the film you have very beautiful people who are very good as well.

Gracias TOMs!

David Slade tweets about working on Sunday daría pena si no fuera porque está trabajando en Eclipse. Y tiene que estar lista! Interesante lo que dice de la primera mitad de la película, mmm...

Gracias Twifans

(Todavía NO pienso poner una cuenta atrás - y no por falta de ganas...)

Adventureland nominated to Best Ensemble Cast at the Gotham Independent Film Awards

Los premios se celebran hoy a las 7:30 de la tarde (horario de la costa este = 1.30 de la mañana para nosotros) y Adventureland está nominada a algo así como mejor reparto. Esperemos que gane! El resto de nominaciones, aquí.
Y, por si no lo habéis visto, el trailer de la película - con muuuuuuy poquito de Kristen :/

Y, para los que estamos en España y no tenemos otra posibilidad de verla, ejem, lo podéis hacer desde aquí.

Robert Pattinson in a Greek Magazine: James Dean picture quite suggesting

Incluye un artículo analizando el fenómeno Twilight y una entrevista con Rob. Lo tenéis todo en Robert Pattinson Life, no pongo la entrevista porque no termina de sonar bien... y probablemente sea cosa de la traducción...
Me ha llamado la atención la comparación con James Dean (una vez más ;)

Fan Speculation on Breaking Dawn

@kstew411 ha proporcionado algo de información, aún sin confirmar, sobre las posibles razones por las que se está retrasando la confirmación de Beaking Dawn:

1) Summit would like to provide more information than simply "Yes, it's being made," so they are delaying until they have more information around timing for the fans.
2) Unbound Captives (Rob's new flick) hasn't set a filming date yet
3) Kristen is possibly looking into another project which doesn't have a start date
4) Summit will/would like to accommodate both stars

Mira que me cuesta pensar con el cerebro de los jefes de Summit, pero por lo que ha comentado Rob en algunas entrevistas (por ejemplo, aquí, más bien al fnal) sobre sus proyectos para este año, parece más bien que son el resto los que están supeditados a BD y no al revé sé...

Gracias Robstenlovers y Twifans (por el dibujo)

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

Gala Magazine...Quotes too revealing to think they're true

He intentado resumirlo lo mejor que he podido en el título como declaración de intenciones.
Hace poco, Robsessed publicó los scans del artículo que la edición alemana de la revista Gala les dedica a Robert y Kristen.

Y ahora una lectora les ha traducido parte del artículo (aquí). Algunas citas son verdaderas, pero las unen de forma que resultan mucho más reveladoras de lo habitual en ellos, así que no se puede decir que sean falsas pero desde luego ellos no hablan así de abiertamente (bien lo sabemos nosotros...) Y luego, otras cosas que cuentan como lo de los asientos de pero totalmente ponible en cuarentena ;)
He hecho la entrada porque quería comentar esto y para que lo leyerais si queréis por si no os lo habéis encontrado antes.

Gracias Robsessed (creo que si la entrada la hubiera hecho Gozde, hubiera llevado algún comentario)

New Moon worldwide number tops $473 million

Según Gossip Cop, nuestro peliculón ha reunido 230,7 millones en Norte América (incluirá Canadá?) y 243 millones en el resto del mundo. En total, lo que decíamos en el titular ;) más de 473 millones de dólares.
Ya sé que es un poco raro hablar tanto del vil metal pero, no es una pasada??

Más detalles, en el link.

Gracias Robsessed

*Y según vía Cullen Boys:

New Moon broke all manner of records over the weekend, which was great news for Summit, and for the industry as a whole. New Moon made more all by itself than all other movies combined pulled in last weekend and the overall box office was $259 million, the second biggest weekend on record.

As we’ve been tracking all weekend long, records fell to New Moon, starting before the weekend even began. The first of these was $26.27 million in midnight showings, topping the previous record held by The Dark Knight. It then went on to have the biggest single day at the box office, and tie the record for fastest time to $100 million. By the end of the weekend, it has managed $142.84 million, the third best weekend of all time and it became easily the best November debut of all time.

The scariest thing Kristen did offset

En realidad es una entrevista con Nikki Reed pero a partir de 4:30 más o menos, le ponen una entrevista con Kristen en la que, entre otras cosas, cuenta lo que más miedo le dio fuera del rodaje. Y se lo ponen porque implica a Nikki y su novio Paris...tenéis que verlo.

Kristen es genial ;)

Gracias Twifans

Twitarded's New Moon Critique

Si no conocéis Twitarded, os lo recomiendo acaloradamente. Para >18 y con el humor más ácido y los comentarios más lúcidos que os podáis encontrar en el universo fan. Si no estáis en la onda, os recomiendo un poco de "Open your mind" antes de leer nada ;)
He leído la crítica que han hecho de New Moon y he pensado que estaría bien poneros una parte, al menos la primera, con las cosas que les han gustado. La segunda, sobre pelucas, pezones y vampiros vestidos ridículamente corriendo por el bosque, a lo mejor necesita un poco del ejercicio mental previo que comentábamos, pero lo tenéis en el link.

We've now seen New Moon three times and figured we've given most of you long enough to see it at least once. I apologize if this is a tad choppy but I'm furiously trying to write this and decipher the shittiest notes I've ever written in the dark at the same time. Obviously, it's not working out too well and I'm probably missing key points I wanted to address. Oh well, guess I'll just have to go and watch the movie again...

The Volturi like a silly platypus? WTF?

Overall, I really enjoyed it. I felt the CGI, cinematography and overall color and feel of this film was much more polished than Twilight. I know Catherine Hardwicke had some artistic reason for making Twilight a hazy gray but I forget what it was and I like Chris Weitz's dark, deep colors better. So there.

So, without further ado, here are my likes and dislikes of New Moon.


The CGI in general - no longer do we have ridiculously sped up vampires and THANK FUCKING OME that there wasn't a single "spider-monkey-get-on-my-back" scene in this movie because I hated that and thought it looked l-a-m-e and corny.

The Wolves - the first time I saw the movie I was sitting between STY and the very devious Nomness who, at one point, whispered in her adorable, lilting Irish accent, "Falkor" the first time the wolves came onto the screen. Annnnd I fucking couldn't stop laughing. Though, in retrospect, the wolves actually look more similar to the wolf-dude in The Never Ending Story, who scared the pants off me when I was a little kid. And yes, I realize that I just said the CGI of the wolves was good and then promptly compared it to a movie filmed in 1984. Sue me, it was still good.

Wolf-dude from The Never Ending Story

The humans - The humans were hysterical. Mike Newton was dorky and awkward and I can't tell you how awesome I think Anna Kendrick is as Jessica. She nails that character (and not in the dirty way, either). I am so impressed with her. The scene where Jessica and Bella are in Port Angeles, and Jessica is being a very typical self-absorbed snotty little teen-aged shithead made me choke on my whiskey the first time I saw it. And Billy Burke, as always, is the star of the movie for me. I absolutely love and adore the way he portrays Charlie.

On a side note - did anyone else notice that Bella tells Charlie to
"be careful" in both movies and he responds "always am" each time?

I liked the fact that the humans provided a sort of comic relief and thought it was a good balance to the uber depressed Bella and the holy-fucking-shit-am-I-emo Edward. Not saying either character was bad, but the humans provided a nice little breath of fresh air. Or sunshine. Without the sparkle. Er, whatever.

The Wolf Pack - I have to say I was impressed with these half-naked tan dudes. They did well - and looked, um, yummy doing it. I had my reservations about the actors in the wolf pack but I was suitably impressed. Oh, and the wolf tattoo? Totes looks like a va-jay-jay. Just sayin' [thanks Nomness for pointing this out, too.]

I'm sorry but I totally see a clitoris. And it's big.

A few of my favorite scenes:

Jasper goes apeshit over the papercut - Dudes. Edward totally didn't need to fucking clothesline Bella into the glass table but he did and it made the whole scene that much better because it would have been pretty lame. All in all, I totally dug crazy, violent Jasper. Mainly because he's much better than the usual I-have-to-poop-but-can't Jasper.

October-November-December - I am not a crier. I laugh at silver-screen violence and chuckle at people's failure and despair in movies because I'm a fucking douche. I totally cried at this scene. All three times I saw it. First of all, I love the simplicity of this scene. I love how the seasons change outside the window and how one photo disappears from the wall after each rotation of the camera. It's such a subtle scene but so poignant. Like the book, I really felt Bella's loss and emptiness.

I was hoping the Lykke Li song was going to be included in this scene and was so happy when it was because I thought it was so suitable and haunting.

The Meadow - I know some people hated it, but I thought it was very symbolic that when Bella found the meadow, everything was dead. I thought it was a nice parallel to how Bella felt. Every now and again I'm sensitive like that. Don't worry, it's not permanent.

I know I'm jumping around here but I'm trying to keep my train of thought. The next scene that I thought was amazing was the scene with Victoria. It was honestly the last place I thought I would hear "Hearing Damage" but that song ultimately felt perfect for that scene. I loved how feral, sexy and formidable Victoria was and just how perfect the wolf chase scene turned out to be. As James would say, it was "visually dynamic".

And it sucks monkey tits that Rachelle Lefevre is not going to be in Eclipse. I can't imagine anyone else playing Victoria.

Bella smacking the shit out of Paul - 'Nuff said.

Booooo-yeah! You go, girl. Oh, and you might want to run...

The Volturi fight scene - Yeah, yeah, I know it wasn't in the book but it sure as shit was awesome in the movie. I'm an action girl, I can't help myself. Speaking of the Volturi, I really thought all of them were really well cast, even the blond guy who played Caius and only said two words.

Now, on to the fun stuff. This is the WTF? scenes, the ones that were ridiculously or hokey or just plain stupid.

Seguir leyendo, aquí

Pattinson Vintage (his HP days)

Las acaba de publicar Thinking of Rob y hay algunas que no podía dejar de poner ;) El resto, en el link

Proto-impregnating look
THE Beanie! (en serio, creo que es el mismo...desde 2005, o antes!)

New Moon Fan Made Vid

Con audio y muchas escenas de la película pero está en Twifans, así que esperemos que aguante!

Robert Pattinson in People's 25 best celeb photos in 2009

Por lo visto, la revista People recoge las 25 mejores fotos de celebrities (aaagghh, no me gusta nada calificarle así!) de cada año. Y en 2009, Robert figura en la lista.

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson gets pulses racing – in the daylight! – during a photo call at the Magestic Pier for the Cannes International Film Festival in May.

Gracias Robert Pattinson Life

*Tenéis en el link el resto (quién quiere más???)

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009

New Moon beats out Black Friday

Es decir, el viernes de después de Acción de Gracias. Y ya ha conseguido más dinero que toda la recaudación de Twilight, guau!

HitFix is reporting that The Twilight Saga: New Moon may have had a sluggish showing in Thanksgiving day but Black Friday belonged, once again, to Twilight fans at the theaters.
New Moon took in over $17 million on Black Friday alone, trumping the competition (the strongest of which is The Blind Side).
Another interesting fact is that New Moon - though only in its ninth day of release - has already met and exceed Twilight's perpetual gross.
According to Gregory Ellwood at HitFix, "One more fun fact. It took 'Twilight' 147 days in release to make $192 million. "New Moon" did it in eight."

* Y supera los 200 millones de $ en EEUU (todavía no tenemos datos internacionales). Más en Variety, vía nuestras TOMs

MTV Interview with Robert Pattinson

Del primer día del press junket en LA con MTV (versión de YouTube para que todos podamos verla). Atención a lo que responde a la última pregunta (si pudiera interpretar otro personaje de New Moon cuál sería).

Gracias Robsessed!

New Moon costume designer talks about the character's look

Es un artículo de EW en el que hablan el responsable del vestuario en New Moon y Eclipse. La entrevista está muy bien, sabemos que cuidan hasta el mínimo detalle pero sorprende darse cuenta de verdad, no sé si me explico... (esta todo pensao!)

You have to immediately like a costume designer who’ll admit that she’s wearing sweatpants while chatting with you from her Vancouver home. We phoned Tish Monaghan, who took over styling duties for The Twilight Saga: New Moon and Eclipse, to talk about how Edward ended up in a suit, why Jacob’s muscles are bulging through his shirt (when he actually wears one), what department mandated that the wolf pack’s jean shorts be extra tight, and more.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Anyone who’s listened to the Twilight DVD commentaryknows that Robert Pattinson wasn’t a fan of Edward’s pea coat.

TISH MONAGHAN: He wasn’t a fan of the pea coat. He wore it in virtually every scene, and I think maybe he just got tired of it. I’m guessing. [Laughs] He just wanted a more mature look. That was part of Edward’s Grade 11 year, and now he’s getting into his graduation year, he’s in a relationship. He had worn hoodies and jeans and sneakers, and Robert, the director [Chris Weitz], and I all wanted to portray him more as a gentleman, more elegant and classic. With our vampire characters, I always went back to the time period in which they were turned to see if there’s any element I could try to simulate in contemporary clothing. He came out of the Edwardian period, around 1910. Of course, most of the gentleman from that time would be wearing suits, coats, hats, etc. We had to pick something that was iconic for the character that would suffice to be used throughout the whole film. At the very beginning of the film, he has one school outfit, and then there’s Bella’s birthday party and disaster strikes. So Edward ends up in that same costume for the remainder of the film. I was thinking of just putting him in a dress shirt and a pair of pants, but Robert wanted to be in a suit.

So I found a modern contemporary look that would be appealing to him and to the massive fan base, a very slim cut, and a fabric that to me was a bit Old World — this beautiful tweed fabric that we got out of England. It had the gray base, which is kind of essential for the Cullen characters in their cool tones, but also had little interesting flecks of blue, which is also Cullen, and a tiny little bit of rust, which I liked because Bella wears earth tones and that kinda linked her into the picture. The general texture of the suit would hold up well no matter what setting he was in: Inside the house for the party, or in the forest, or in the Volturi chamber. We had to show wear on the suit, and it’s much easier to rough up something that has texture to it than just a flat piece of wool. His pants are worn at the knees, they’re rumpled.

I don’t know if anyone’s looking at his pants when he removes his shirt in Italy.
The fans were very excited to see that, I don’t know if Robert was particularly excited to perform that in front of 1,500 people. I think it was quite hard for him to do. We originally tested Edward in a plain white shirt, as a forlorn-looking option.
That is also what Robert wanted — he wanted something that would wash him out. But you need to have a color that makes you pop, and so we actually dyed the fabric this beautiful ink blue ourselves. It highlighted his vampire white skin really well. I think it’s a great moment when we see him in these clothes that he’s worn from September to May. When he goes to sacrifice himself, he’s in disrepair. Robert and Chris wanted his shirt to have a rip across the chest, so that’s what we gave him. It’s really kind of tragic to watch him take off his shirt, because he really is sacrificing himself. It looks like he’s just giving up. He’s exposing himself and he’s completely vulnerable, and he just takes his shirt off and he drops it at his feet with his eyes downcast. Then he gets attacked by Bella, who shoves him inside the doors. [Laughs] I don’t find it like a beefcake moment. It really is a moving moment, and I think Robert did a really amazing job for that scene.

The tear across the chest was to symbolize that his heart was torn out when he thought he lost Bella?
Maybe. [Laughs] They just said, “Rip it across the chest.” I said, “Are you sure? No shirt’s gonna rip like this.” And they said, “Yes.” So I did it.

Why couldn’t he remain shirtless for the indoor fight scene? Why put on the robe?
the guards who grab him were supposed to be coming from the outside — that’s why they give him the robe. But the setting was changed, and they grab him on the inside. So why do they hand him this robe? Because, quite honestly, it looks very cool fighting with this long, flowing garment, and it does hide pads, protect him.

Moving on to the wolf pack, was it easier to dress them since they were shirtless?
We still had to have a lot of fittings with them. You had to be very careful with where the shorts fall on the hip bone, we had to make sure everything sits at the same place when they run. Each individual actor had their own request, but we also had requests from the visual effects department, because if we had big, loose shredded shorts on when they morphed into wolves, it’s too much work and too many hours to magically get rid of that clothing on camera. They wanted the shorts as close-fitting to the leg as possible, whereas the natural tendency of the guys would be to have something baggier so that they didn’t look like they were wearing hot pants. [Laughs] So if I knew they were going to morph, then they had tighter-fitting shorts, and if they didn’t have to morph, then we would give them something a little bit looser and longer. There were lots of Levi’s, American Eagle, Old Navy. Quite honestly, I tried to shop where I figured the wolves would shop. [Laughs] So we went to Wal-Mart. The general concept was that anytime they went off to hunt, those shorts got destroyed because they’d change into a wolf. So they all had a secret little stash, buried in a hole somewhere in the forest, where they went running naked. [Laughs] That’s what we imagined. They had an unlimited selection of cut-off pants.

And did you or did you not pay special attention to where the sleeves of Jacob’s T-shirts fell on his biceps? Because job well done.
Absolutely. Everything was geared towards making sure that
his arm muscles really showed. There’s a scene where he’s working on a motorcycle, and his muscles are really pulling against this plaid shirt he’s wearing. He looks very strong and very built, and we tried to do the same with this T-shirts. There was no way since it was the same actor that we could show somebody that had grown like six inches. So it was Chris Weitz’s genius idea to tailor his clothes, to make the sleeves a little bit shorter, a little bit tighter — make it look as if he’d grown out of his clothes in a couple of months and hadn’t had time to go get new ones. We found T-shirt brands that fit him well with hardly any adjustments and just stuck with those in earth tones — The Gap, Banana Republic, American Apparel, Levi’s. We tried more expensive T-shirts, but he looked too pretty.

Tell me about dressing the Volturi.
I knew that one scene involved the painting somewhere
in the 1700s coming to life and them walking into their chamber to don their robes. It was really important to get the right shape and to ensure the audience that they were judicial robes because they are sitting in judgment. I did a lot of research into judicial gowns, I looked at a lot of religious paintings from the 1300s and 1400s. For each of the three prime Volturi — Aro [Michael Sheen], Caius [Jamie Campbell Bower], and Marcus [Christopher Heyerdahl] — we made the gowns the same shape in a black wool bouclé, but with different trims.

Is there any significance to Caius’ scarf?
It looked pretty. [Laughs] It was described in the script that Aro was wearing a suit and it was the blackest of blacks because there’s a color palette power structure and the most powerful is the blackest. So I wanted to still have elements of black on Caius, but break them up a bit so Aro would appear blackest of all. There was so much gray and pale stone in that Volturi chamber that I wanted to bring some of the red element from the religious festival outside into play in the interior. But it was also just a beautiful texture, a paisley wool pashmina-type shawl that I grabbed in Little India.

Let’s talk about the ladies. Rosalie and Alice?
There wasn’t much chance in New Moon to go into the backstory of Rosalie, but she has graduated from high school. You only see her at home, and at home, she can dress exactly how she wants. Harking back to the era that she came from, one of the icons that [Nikki Reed] and I discussed was Veronica Lake. Sensual, glamorous, tieing in with the blond hair. Alice, of course, is still a high school student and she had a very successful fashion-y look fromTwilight, so we wanted to continue with that. We wanted things that looked cute and feminine on her, paying more attention to detail with the little swing coat, arm warmers, and a scarf at her neck. To me, all of this was an aide of covering up parts of her body that could potentially sparkle. When she was going to Italy, I just had in my mind Audrey Hepburn. You have this woman driving this Porsche, which was originally supposed to be a convertible, so I wanted a beautiful scarf around her head, big sunglasses, little capris. When I mentioned this whole Audrey Hepburn look to Ashley [Greene], she said, “Ohmygod, she’s my icon!” The funniest thing I saw was Ashley standing next to her stunt double on the cobbled streets of Montepulciano, in Italy, both dressed identically. She looking beautiful, pale and pixie-like, wearing her headscarf, red gloves and Michael Kors jacket, and the stunt double the same, but with a generous Roman nose, and a heavy 5 o’clock shadow. Too funny.

What was your vision for Bella’s look?
I think that the previous designer really successfully captured the essence of this girl who was a little bit misplaced and ill-prepared coming from Arizona to the Pacific Northwest. I wanted to continue the look that she was a very practical girl. She didn’t dress to entice, she threw on a jacket if the weather was cold, she layered up because she probably gets colder than the average girl from that area. In discussions with
Kristen [Stewart], she also wanted to look a little bit more mature and put together. At the beginning of the film, when she’s happy and in love with Edward, she wanted to be linked colorwise to his world, the cool tones. When he leaves her, she kinda falls into disarray and gets sloppy and just throws on any old thing. But the any old things that we threw on her were in the earth tones [of Jacob's world]. We didn’t bring back her cool color palette until she was encountering Edward again.

What piece of Bella’s New Moon clothing do you expect everyone to want?
a green shirt from Boy by Band of Outsiders that she wears at the end of the film in Italy that a lot of people seem to like.

In the end, which character did you take the biggest risk with?
Laurent. Chris wanted both Lauren and Victoria more elegant, less rock ‘n roll. Laurent had a leather jacket and really cool pants and was barefoot, and I put him in a suit and cool shoes. [Laughs]
We made the suit, but I would say my inspiration for Laurent would have been Alexander McQueen. And I didn’t go as far as I wanted to go. There was this incredible mohair long plaid coat down to the ground, but it was too risky. It was going to end up looking too campy. The point with these bad vamps is that they are scavengers, so they will just put on their most recent acquisition. So he just found somebody with a really cool suit in downtown Seattle. [Laughs]

Last question: What can you tease about the costumes in Eclipse?
We go back to the 1700s and do a complete Quileute tribe. I had to go to museums and pour over clothing that was dug up from burial sites, and I went into diaries of sailors to read what their first encounters were with the Indians on the Pacific Northwest coast. Then we did vampires from the Civil War era, then we did the 1930s, then we did our contemporary world, then we did fantasy Volturi flying over on a jet to Forks, Washington. Then we did an army of vampire newborns. It’s pretty cool stuff.

Gracias Robert Pattinson Life!
*En cuanto encuentre buenas fotos de Bella, las pongo (visualizo los momentos a los que se refiere pero todavía no están las fotos, Grrr!)