jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009

Robert's fake interview

El mirror (uug) publicó ayer una supuesta nueva entrevista en exclusiva con Robert Pattinson. Como viene sucediendo últimamente, en realidad es un refrito de declaraciones más o menos antíguas que les sirven a este tipo de medios para poner en boca de Rob que no tiene novia y seguir negando lo evidente. Y crear más polémica absurda.
Robsessed y GossipCop fueron de los primeros en recoger la "exclusiva" llamando a las cosas por su nombre.

Lo más interesante es que poco después el representante de Rob negó que él hubiera hablado con el mirror:

“I will only comment on matters regarding Robert’s professional life, but in order to set the record straight, Robert did not speak to the Mirror, and their claim that they spoke to him a few days ago is manufactured along with any information that they claim to have as an exclusive directly from him.”

Luego Rob se ha preocupado de dejar claro que esas declaraciones son falsas.

Continúa GossipCop:
A few things come to mind: (1) the story sounds made up (2) why would the Mirror hold onto an “exclusive” interview with Pattinson for about a week before publishing it (3) the star was in Los Angeles at around the time of the alleged interview, and Gossip Cop knows for a fact that he was not sitting down to talk about his personal life (4) the story sounds made up. Oh, did we say that already? And (5) no one from the Mirror could answer Gossip Cop’s question about when or where the interview was conducted, but said they would get back to us (we’re still waiting).

Y ya para rematar el tema, nuestro Ted le da la puntilla al tabloide inglés en una de sus últimas entradas:

Contrary to increasingly suspicious reports, Robert Pattison does have a girlfriend, let's get that clear. "So on," our myriad Twi sources tell us regarding the gorgeous twosome of R.Pattz and Kristen Stewart—who are back and cozy again in much closer proximity to each other than they were most of the summer.

So far, Eclipse is looking to be a very Robsten-lovin' smoochfest. But let's back up a bit and get some things straight, as it were:

Sometimes it just sucks to be a movie star. For every hand that offers you money and adoration, there's always another waiting to bitch-slap you across the face. As is the case with two of our faves from theTwilight cast...

Our disheveled and darling Rob was the subject of a typical trashy tabloid fabrication, per usual, from the folks over at the Daily Mirror. In a new article today, the tabloid Brits quoted Rob as saying, "I haven't got a girlfriend," along with a ton of other interview excerpts that we're finding are faker than a well-wishing birthday card from Summit.

The facts are wrong, and the logic just doesn't add up—besides, we know better than to trust every Rob-centric interview we see. We think the whole interview is a sham, but we'll keep our mouths closed for now and let some other folks dig up the dirt.

Daily Mirror, we're sure Robsten is waiting for your apology—now get on it.

Not quite as famous but still a passenger on the Twilight fame bandwagon was...

A estas alturas ya sabemos que, hoy por hoy, Robert y Kristen no contestan a preguntas sobre su vida privada y hemos aprendido a no fiarnos de cualquier cosa que publiquen sobre los dos en la prensa amarilla. Otra cosa fundamental es que no van a esconder o negar su relación pero tampoco van a exibirse públicamente. Eso no va con ellos, que parece que pasan en moto de todo este jaleo. Así que si hay alguien por ahí que sufra con este tipo de noticias basura, que asimile esto cuantos antes por el bien de su karma ;)

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